MY SECRET TO TELL by Natalie D. Richards

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MY SECRET TO TELL by Natalie D. RichardsMy Secret to Tell by Natalie D. Richards
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 10/06/2015
Genres: Contemporary, Mysteries & Detective Stories, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Source: Publisher
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One promise changed her life. One confession could end it.
There was blood on his hands. Where was the guilt in his eyes?
Emmie's had a crush on her best friend's brother forever. Deacon is the town bad boy who's always in trouble, but she sees his soft side when he volunteers with her at the local animal shelter. She doesn't think he's dangerous…until he shows up in her bedroom with blood on his hands. Deacon's father has been violently assaulted and Deacon is suspect number one. Emmie's smart enough to know how this looks, but she also knows Deacon's biggest secret—he's paralyzed by the sight of blood. She's sure he didn't do this. Or did he? Because even Deacon's own sister thinks he's guilty…

Well to be honest I wasn’t sure if I wanted to read this book because I didn’t enjoy Gone too Far by Natalie D. Richards but the premise of the book intrigued me so I decided to give it a shot. I can defiantly say I liked this book more than I thought I would.  It took me a while to get into it, like halfway through the book. I wasn’t the biggest fan of Emmie she was bossy, whiny, and indecisive. She just kept changing her mind, “Is Deacon guilty or not? Should I help him or not?” things like that.  If I was in this book and my friend was in this situation I would trust them because they’re my FRIEND! What are friends for right??? I liked the whole whodunit aspect because when I found out who it was I was pretty shocked.  Emmie’s parents also got on my nerves.  They were smothering her so much that even I could feel it. I think the first half of this book was pretty slow at least for me but it started picking up towards the end. What’s really funny to me is the fact that the ending was like a game of clue “I think you did it because you’re just really suspicious to me.” Anyway the other characters were sub par, I was over them. Get some better friends would be my advice haha. In the end I would say this book was good enough that I’d read Six Months Later by Natalie D. Richards. I’d recommend this book to anyone who likes mysteries and if you’ve read other books by this author.


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