Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ENCHANTMENT LAKE by Margi PreusEnchantment Lake by Margi Preus
Published by Univ of Minnesota Press on 3/15/15
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 200
Source: Publisher
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A disturbing call from her great aunts Astrid and Jeannette sends seventeen-year-old Francie far from her new home in New York into a tangle of mysteries. Ditching an audition in a Manhattan theater, Francie travels to a remote lake in the northwoods where her aunts’ neighbors are “dropping like flies” from strange accidents. But are they accidents?

On the shores of Enchantment Lake in the woods of northern Minnesota, something ominous is afoot, and as Francie begins to investigate, the mysteries multiply: a poisoned hot dish, a puzzling confession, eerie noises in the bog, and a legendary treasure that is said to be under enchantment—or is that under Enchantment, as in under the lake? At the center of everything is a suddenly booming business in cabin sales and a road not everyone wants built.

To a somewhat reluctant northwoods Nancy Drew, the intrigue proves irresistible, especially when it draws her closer to the mysteries at the heart of her own life: What happened to her father? Who and where is her mother? Who is she, and where does her heart lie—in the bustle of New York City or the deep woods of Minnesota? With its gripping story, romantic spirit, and a sly dash of modern-day trouble (evil realtors and other invasive species), Enchantment Lake will fascinate readers, providing precisely the charm that Margi Preus’s readers have come to expect.

17 year old Francie is not a detective. She only played one on TV. Although her aunts Astrid and Jeannette have started a rumor, and now everyone on the lake where they live thinks that Francie is a big shot NY detective. After getting a strange call from her aunts saying they’re in danger, Francie ditches an audition, hops on a plane and heads to Enchantment Lake to make sure  her aunts are okay. When her aunts tell her about all the things that have been happening on the lake, Francie thinks they have lost their minds. When one of their neighbor’s ends up dead from  “suicide”, Astrid and Jeannette don’t believe that for one second. They think he was murdered, and they want Francie to find out who the killer is before Astrid and Jeannette are next. Francie decides to help. She starts talking to people and asking questions and starts piecing things together. For a girl who’s not a real detective, she sure does a good job at it.

I really liked Francie. She was a great main character. She’s so strong and definitely determined to keep her aunts alive and save Enchantment Lake.
I fell in love with this book from the beginning. I love a good mystery book. I would recommend this book especially if you’re a fan of mysteries!

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