WOLFHEART By Shay Roberts

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WOLFHEART By Shay RobertsWolfheart by Shay Roberts
Published by Snowfire Press on 1/15/16
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Supernatural, Young Adult
Pages: 32
Source: Publisher
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Ash, a high school senior from a broken home, performs an act of kindness that forces her into hiding. Now she’s living in the woods, training dogs to guard livestock. She soon discovers that she’s not alone in the forest. A dark, malignant beast is preying on her beloved animals. As Ash edges toward despair, a mysterious stranger appears…

Magnus, a werewolf from the nearby town of Corby, claims he is hunting the beast, but he knows more that he’s saying. His connection to Ash, and his desire for her, take her by surprise.

Their forbidden attraction captures the attention of Corby’s dangerous Gray Wolves, a council of elders determined to keep humans and werewolves apart. If necessary, they won’t hesitate to eliminate Ash, if the beast doesn’t get her first.

To survive, Ash must balance the needs of her heart with the necessities of survival. If she fails, she’ll meet a gruesome end in a forest without pity.

Ash lives alone out in the woods and she thinks she’s alone until something keeps attacking her livestock. Now Ash has to find what’s attacking her livestock and find a way to survive all while keeping her heart in check when stranger Magnus comes along. I enjoyed reading this novella! It was nice to read especially because it takes place in the same world as the Heartblaze novel. Ash was an amazing and enjoyable heroine she was strong and independent and at the same time compassionate. Magnus was a great character to we don’t see much of him but he when we do get to meet him we just want more! Magnus was the fierce alpha wolf. I really liked this novella I’m just sad it was so short, I would love to see these two in another book!

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