BEHOLD THE BONES By Natalie C. Parker

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BEHOLD THE BONES By Natalie C. ParkerBehold the Bones by Natalie C. Parker
Series: Beware the Wild #2
Published by HarperTeen on 2/23/16
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Gothic, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Source: Publisher
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Candace “Candy” Pickens has been obsessed with the swamp lore of her tiny Louisiana town for . . . forever. Name any ghostly swamp figure and Candy will recite the entire tale in a way that will curl your toes and send chills up your spine.

That doesn’t mean Candy’s a believer, however. Even though she and her friends entered the swamp at the start of summer and left it changed, Candy’s the only one who can’t see or feel the magical swamp Shine. She’s also the only one who can’t see the ghosts that have been showing up and spooking everyone in town ever since. So Candy concentrates on other things—real things. Like fighting with her mother and plotting her escape from her crazy town.

But ghosts aren’t the only newcomers in Sticks, Louisiana. The King family arrives like a hurricane: in a blur and unwanted—at least by Candy. Mr. King is intent on filming the rumored ghostly activity for his hit TV show, Local Haunts. And while Candy can’t ignore how attracted she is to eighteen-year-old Gage King and how much his sister, Nova, wants to be friends, she’s still suspicious of the King family.

As Candy tries to figure out why the Kings are really in town and why the swamp that had previously cast her aside now seems to be invading every crack in her logical, cynical mind, she stumbles across the one piece of swamp lore she didn’t know. It’s a tale that’s more truth than myth, and may have all the answers . . . and its roots are in Candy’s own family tree.

This book is exactly what I needed to get me out of my slump! Candace Is such a strong character I loved getting to see everything from her point of view. Getting to read about all of my favorite characters again like Sterling and Abigail. So many things happened in this book that had me on the edge of my seat. I was so happy to be reading another book about Sticks and the way Parker brings this world to life and weaves all of the creepiness is amazing!

What I Liked

~ Getting to be in Candy’s head

~ The mystery surrounding the ghost that are all of a sudden coming from the swamp and the King family

~ The friendship that Candy, Sterling, and Abigail have #FriendshipGoals

~ Finding out about Candy and her connection to the swamp

What I didn’t Like

~Nothing! Everything was amazing!

Favorite Quotes

~ Sterling trots along beside me muttering half sentences I don’t understand. “Cut that out before we get up there, Saucier,” I chide. “You sound cracked.”

~ ” Five minutes in town and you’re already running with the worst. I don’t know if I should compliment you or condemn you.”

Plus many more!


This was definitely one of my most anticipated books of 2016 and it doesn’t disappoint! I love the characters and the ending was great and something I wasn’t expecting. I just hope that there’s another book in the series and its about Abigail! This book is a definite must!!!

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