WILD SWANS By Jessica Spotswood

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WILD SWANS By Jessica SpotswoodWild Swans by Jessica Spotswood
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 5/3/16
Genres: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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The summer before Ivy's senior year is going to be golden-all bonfires, barbeques, and spending time with her best friends. For once, she will just get to be. No summer classes, none of Granddad's intense expectations to live up to the family name. For generations, the Milbourn women have lead extraordinary lives-and died young and tragically. Granddad calls it a legacy, but Ivy considers it a curse. Why else would her mother have run off and abandoned her as a child?

But when her mother unexpectedly returns home with two young daughters in tow, all of the stories Ivy wove to protect her heart start to unravel. The very people she once trusted now speak in lies. And all of Ivy's ambition and determination cannot defend her against the secrets of the Milbourn past...

Short and Sweet

Ivy plans on having the time of her life before her senior year starts. But things don’t always go as planned. Ivy is struggling trying to find her calling in life and feeling the pressure of the Milbourn legacy in her family. Ivy’s mother left when she was young, so she was raised by her Grandad. When her mother returns, with two young children or Ivy’s half sisters, her life is turned upside down.

What I liked

~Ivy, she wasn’t perfect (who is?) but she was a strong character and stood her ground.

~Connor, he’s Ivy’s love interest and he was honestly so sweet and supportive.

~I liked how most of the issues in the story were resolved.

~Ivy’s best friend Claire she’s funny and a feminist who isn’t afraid to speak her mind. (Look at the quote below)

~Also liked getting to know the background on some of the characters like Ivy’s mom and some of the other Milbourn women.

~ It touches on gender identity and feminism and body image.

What I didn’t like

~The ending I mean it was good I just wish we got to know more. An epilogue would have been nice.


“When it comes to the family legacy – that it’s a gift, not a curse; that the Milbourn women were extraordinary, not doomed.”

“And that better be the only wiener you put in your mouth. We do not give blow jobs so that boys will like us!” Claire roars, and Connor nearly chokes on his beer.


Wild Swans is a  feel-good book with realistic friendships, romance, and family. I recommend this to anyone who enjoys YA coming of age stories and contemporaries.

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