THE BLOOD OF HYDRA By Michelle Madow

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE BLOOD OF HYDRA By Michelle MadowThe Blood of Hydra by Michelle Madow
Series: Elementals #2
Published by Dreamscape Publishing on 4/18/16
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Mythology, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 215
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Finding out that her new school had her in a special homeroom for witches was strange enough, but now Nicole must face the realization that she has the rare power to kill with just a touch. It's a secret she needs to keep not only from the Head Elders, but from the super-sexy witch Blake, who she's had undeniable chemistry with even before he broke up with his long-term girlfriend, the vengeful witch Danielle.

Now Nicole and the four others gifted with powers over the elements, including Blake and Danielle, must stop a series of monsters that they previously believed to be dead from rising once again and destroying the mortal world. Three magical items are needed, including the blood of the slain hydra - ingredients that they must journey to the dangerous, mystical islands in Greece to retrieve.

The monsters they face on this journey will be more threatening than anything they've encountered yet. But with the fate of the world on their shoulders, it's up to the Elementals to return home victorious. Will they find the ingredients they need? Can Nicole and her friends pull off this mission while the tension between her, Blake, and Danielle threatens to ruin everything? And how long will it be until Nicole is forced to use her ability to kill in front of everyone, revealing the true darkness of her powers?

Short and Sweet

The Blood of Hydra begins where the Prophecy of Shadows left off. The Elementals have now learned how to use their powers which helps them especially because the portal between Earth and Kerberos has weakened. Monsters are now able to cross through the portal and Nicole and her friends must figure out how to send them back to Kerberos permanently. The group then has to go on a mission to find ingredients to make a weapon to deal with the monsters. The Elementals travel to Greece and during the mission the group meets a few friends and Gods along the way.

What I liked

-Seeing the Elementals grow and learn more about their powers.

-The group working as a team.

-Nicole ‘s archery skills.

-The adventure the Elementals go on.

-The new characters.

-The ending

What I didn’t like

– Nothing bothered me about this book. I think I may like it more than the first.


I thought this book was amazing! I really loved the story and the adventure we get to go on looking for this new weapon to send back the monsters from Kerberos. I also love the magic and mythology aspects its so different. There was also some intense scenes when going to the different islands for the ingredients to make the weapon. I can’t wait to read the third installment.

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1 Comment

  1. Elizabeth Whaley

    I loved this book. I love how it accurately portrays the idea of Greek Mythology with a twist of fictional characters. The plot flows well when it talks about how the chemistry between Nicole and Blake grows, but then how they have to be focused with fighting as a team. It is amazing to see how each of their powers grow and how they are stronger when they work together. There is a lot of intense action scenes that definitely will leave you wanting more and not wanting to close the book.

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