Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

VALENTINE WITCH By Shay RobertsValentine Witch by Shay Roberts
Published by Snowfire Press on 2/6/16
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 36
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Isabelle, a college student who grew up in the Amazon jungle, is half-Fae. Her unique appearance draws constant scrutiny and her emotions are wildly powerful. Valentine’s Day is a stressful time for her because it usually ends in disaster. Izzy keeps souvenirs of her romantic misadventures in a heart-shaped box, all symbols of hope and heartbreak. But perhaps this year will be different because she’s working on an unusual class project with her secret love …

Luke, who grew from an annoying boy into a handsome, athletic man. As Valentine’s Day approaches, Luke delivers devastating news to Isabelle, confirming her worst fears about the upcoming holiday. Desperate, Izzy turns to …

Millicent, a dangerous love-witch living on a mysterious island with a historic past. Millicent offers Izzy a devil’s bargain in exchange for happiness. But when the deal goes awry, Isabelle experiences a Valentine’s Day unlike any other.


Short and Sweet

Isabelle is half-Fae which means everything can be controlled by her emotions. Izzy emotions can be either good or bad, good in the fact that they help her in her surroundings and bad because if something breaks Izzy’s heart she can die. Izzy decides to go to a witch to help her remove her feelings for her crush Luke, because one wrong move with Luke can end Izzy’s life.


I loved this novella more than I thought I would! I thought it was so interesting that Izzy could die just from a heartbreak and it explains why she was so guarded. I also liked getting to see some of the other Heartblaze aspects in this book. Luke was just so sweet and I loved the connection that Izzy had with him. I Loved the ending it was so cute and I was just smiling the whole time. I would love to see both of these characters in another book. I love all of Shay Roberts books, and the novellas are just helping me stay patient for the next Heartblaze book!

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