THE HATERS By Jesse Andrews

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE HATERS By Jesse AndrewsThe Haters by Jesse Andrews
Published by Harry N. Abrams on 4/5/16
Genres: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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For Wes and his best friend, Corey, jazz camp turns out to be lame. It’s pretty much all dudes talking in Jazz Voice. But then they jam with Ash, a charismatic girl with an unusual sound, and the three just click. It’s three and a half hours of pure musical magic, and Ash makes a decision: They need to hit the road. Because the road, not summer camp, is where bands get good. Before Wes and Corey know it, they’re in Ash’s SUV heading south, and The Haters Summer of Hate Tour has begun.

Short and Sweet

Wes and his best friend Corey are at jazz camp which is where they meet Ash. After a jam session with Ash they decide to hit the road and find venues to play at along the way because that’s how bands get good.

My Thoughts

~ I liked the road trip aspect. Getting to see where the band would play and the different people they would meet was interesting. Also getting to see how they would tackle different situations that would arise was quite entertaining. It was almost like being on an adventure with the band.

~ I didn’t really connect to any of the characters, I mean I liked them at some points of the book and at others I would just get really annoyed with them.

~… So the word d*ck was mentioned a lot! And by a lot I mean a lot!!! (I didn’t count but someone else did) Anyway it was mentioned 77 times. I mean how many d*ck jokes can one person take? Me personally 5, after that I was over it.


I didn’t end up liking this book as much as I thought I would. I just didn’t think the jokes were funny. I found myself having to push through at some points of the book and that’s the only reason I’m sure I finished this book. And after writing this review I kind of feel like a Hater myself.

selena gomez whatever shrug nbd


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