HOW TO DISAPPEAR By Ann Redisch Stampler

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HOW TO DISAPPEAR By Ann Redisch StamplerHow To Disappear by Ann Redisch Stampler
Published by Simon Pulse on 6/14/16
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 416
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Nicolette Holland is the girl everyone likes. Up for adventure. Loyal to a fault. And she’s pretty sure she can get away with anything...until a young woman is brutally murdered in the woods near Nicolette’s house. Which is why she has to disappear.

Jack Manx has always been the stand-up guy with the killer last name. But straight A’s and athletic trophies can’t make people forget that his father was a hit man and his brother is doing time for armed assault. Just when Jack is about to graduate from his Las Vegas high school and head east for college, his brother pulls him into the family business with inescapable instructions: find this ruthless Nicolette Holland and get rid of her. Or else Jack and everyone he loves will pay the price.

As Nicolette and Jack race to outsmart each other, tensions—and attractions—run high. Told in alternating voices, this tightly plotted mystery and tense love story challenges our assumptions about right and wrong, guilt and innocence, truth and lies.

Short and Sweet

After finding a dead body near her houses, Nicolette feels she has no choice but to leave her home in Ohio and go on the run and into hiding. Jack is the son of a hitman, and he’s been sent on a mission by his brother; to find Nicolette and kill her.


Nicolette: The girl that everyone loves, who was in the wrong place at the wrong time. She has no experience in disappearing.

Jack: The son of a notorious criminal, who tries to stay on the right side of the law until he’s pulled into the family business. With no experience with murder, Jack has to outsmart Nicolette in order to find her.

My Thoughts

~This is literally a game of cat and mouse with Nicolette and Jack trying to outsmart each other. One is on the hunt and the other is on the run.

~The chapters alternate between Nicolette and Jack. They both have their own voices and values. I really liked reading both of their POVs mainly because we can get inside their heads. To see Nicolette’s ideas and where she’s going to hide and to find out how Jack plans on finding Nicolette where she’s hiding was so interesting!

~The romance I loved it. I ship the two of them so hard after reading this book. I loved it so much, I can’t stop thinking about the two of them. I think I like the romance so much, because they’re not meant to be together; he was sent to kill her!

love reaction sailor moon heart eyes


I loved this book so much, I read it in one sitting! I feel like I can read it again and again which is rare for me. It’s so good the plot and the characters were amazing! I was hooked from the beginning and couldn’t put it down. This is a must read I think everyone should go out and buy it and read it especially if you’re a fan of thrillers and mysteries!!!

thevoice  excited yes christina aguilera the voice

My love for this book is pretty serious.


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