Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

VAMPIRE RISING (EMMA’S SAGA) By Shay RobertsVampire Rising by Shay Roberts
Series: Heartblaze #2
Published by Snowfire Press on 6/30/16
Genres: Paranormal, Romance, Supernatural, Young Adult
Pages: 272
Format: eARC
Source: Author
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Someone you’ve loved for centuries suddenly disappears, utterly erased from history. No one but you has any memory of this beautiful person. No one but you is grieving. And no one but you can repair this devastating hole in the fabric of reality.
EMMA RUE is in the fight of her life, struggling to find her beloved soulmate, a vampire who has disappeared from everyone’s memories but her own. Her quest is complicated by an unexpected transformation in her body, as well as the intervention of her powerful nemesis…
ROWAN OF WILDWOOD, the Empress of Witches. Rowan has a madly ambitious plan to reshape the world with her shadow magic, and only Emma is standing in her way. But getting to Emma won’t be easy. Emma has loyal and vigilant friends, not the least of whom is…
STEFAN HILDEBRAND, a werewolf now dying from a shotgun wound. Desperate to protect Emma, he’ll do anything to claw his way back to life. But does that include making a devil’s bargain with an entity called the Trickster?

My Thoughts

~ Vampire Rising picks up right where Vampire soul ended, so there’s no confusion when you start reading this book.

~ All of the characters from the previous book return, we also get to meet a few new ones.

~ I loved experiencing Emma’s past lives with her. It was interesting to see how she lived before she became Emma Rue.

~ I felt bad for Emma she just found Julian only to lose him, and not only that she’s the only one who remembers that he exist. I’m glad Emma didn’t give up on Julian after his disappearance she tries everything she can to get him back.

~Emma has a lot to deal with in this book, she’s trying to find Julian and she’s becoming a transcendent again.

~ Stefan is back and he’s also going through a change after meeting a guy named the trickster. I love how protective Stefan is over Emma, he continues to help her and watch out for her.

~ Rowan is also back and she’s trying to get a weapon back from Emma, while she also works on some experiments.

~ There’s also references to some of the novellas which made me so happy.


I loved this book as much as the first one if not more! The world gets more complex and I loved meeting the new characters as they added more to the plot. Vampire Rising ended with a cliffhanger and I just want to know what happens next! I love Emma as a character and I can’t wait to continue this journey with the Heartblaze novels. I would recommend this series and the novellas too!


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