ONE WAS LOST By Natalie D. Richards

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ONE WAS LOST By Natalie D. RichardsOne Was Lost by Natalie D. Richards
Published by Sourcebooks Fire on 10/4/16
Genres: Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Damaged, Deceptive, Dangerous, Darling. When a group of teens wake up in the woods, these words are inked onto their skin. Are they labels? A warning? They must find the truth before a killer finds them.

While on a mandatory senior field trip, a flash flood cuts off Sera and three classmates from their group with no way to call for help. But they're not as alone as they thought...

Short and Sweet

Six students and two teachers go on a senior camping trip. Soon a storm separates four students and a teacher from the other two students and teacher. Separated by a river the two groups decide to set up camp and reunite the next day. Everything should be fine until the group wakes up the next afternoon, to find their stuff missing and words written on there wrist. The only way they’re going to survive is to find out who’s behind this and work together.

My Thoughts

~Sera, was our main character and she was in the group with four students. Overall I thought Sera was an okay character, we didn’t find out much about her.

~I liked the other students too, but it was hard to know who to trust because the culprit could be anyone.

~The words written on their wrist was interesting: damaged, deceptive, dangerous, and darling. It changed the way the students looked at each other and made them suspect each other and it had me wondering why those specific words were chosen for each person.

~Everything that happened kept me guessing at who could be behind this, there were so many twist and different outcomes I was thinking about.

~I didn’t think the romance was necessary. It wasn’t working for me. Sera was indecisive about liking Lucas or not liking him.


The ending was okay. I didn’t guess who the killer was. I still don’t understand the motive behind all of this, but I guess being crazy is motive enough. I liked the book and would recommend it if you like mysteries and thrillers, its also a fast read.


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