A WEEK OF MONDAYS By Jessica Brody

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A WEEK OF MONDAYS By Jessica BrodyA Week of Mondays by Jessica Brody
Published by Straus and Giroux (BYR) on 8/2/16
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 464
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Sixteen-year-old Ellison Sparks is having a serious case of the Mondays. She gets a ticket for running a red light, she manages to take the world’s worst school picture, she bombs softball try-outs and her class election speech (note to self: never trust a cheerleader when she swears there are no nuts in her bake-sale banana bread), and to top it all off, Tristan, her gorgeous rocker boyfriend suddenly dumps her. For no good reason!

As far as Mondays go, it doesn’t get much worse than this. And Ellie is positive that if she could just do it all over again, she would get it right. So when she wakes up the next morning to find she’s reliving the exact same day, she knows what she has to do: stop her boyfriend from breaking up with her. But it seems no matter how many do-overs she gets or how hard Ellie tries to repair her relationship, Tristan always seems bent set on ending it. Will Ellie ever figure out how to fix this broken day? Or will she be stuck in this nightmare of a Monday forever?

Short and Sweet

After having the worst Monday of her life, a bad school picture, bombs her softball tryouts, and her boyfriend dumps her. If only Ellison had the chance to do it all over again she would make everything go right. She wakes up the next day only to find out its Monday again! And the next day after that its Monday again. Ellison figures if shes reliving the same day she needs to get something right and that means to get Tristan from ending their relationship.

My Thoughts

~ Ellie was a fun character, I loved her story. She was strong, smart, passionate, and funny. Each day she would try to change herself into someone that she thought Tristan would like so we got to see her play a few different roles.

~ We go through seven Mondays with Ellie, and you would think it would get boring or repetitive but its not, because each day Ellie was changing something. Each day was a little different, which I looked forward too.

~ Owen, Ellie’s best friend is pretty awesome! He was always there for her and tried to get her to see things reasonably.

~ There was a focus on family, Ellie’s parents are arguing and then she finds out that her sister has been having a hard time at school.

~ So for the month of October I read four contemporary books back to back, two of them had something in common, the fact that these girls were trying to win back a boy who has dumped them. I then realized how it’s totally not worth it to chase after a boy.

~ The romance was predictable, but it was cute and I liked how it turned out.

~ I didn’t really like Tristan, it was hard seeing him dump Ellie over and over again without a legitimate reason.


A Week of Mondays was a light and cute contemporary. It reminded me of Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver, because of the reliving the same day aspect, but this had a happier ending. I felt connected with Ellie and understood her struggles. I would recommend this it’s sweet and enjoyable, and also very entertaining.

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