BY YOUR SIDE By Kasie West

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

BY YOUR SIDE By Kasie WestBy Your Side by Kasie West
Published by HarperTeen on 1/31/17
Genres: Contemporary, Realistic Fiction, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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When Autumn Collins finds herself accidentally locked in the library for an entire weekend, she doesn’t think things could get any worse. But that’s before she realizes that Dax Miller is locked in with her. Autumn doesn’t know much about Dax except that he’s trouble. Between the rumors about the fight he was in (and that brief stint in juvie that followed it) and his reputation as a loner, he’s not exactly the ideal person to be stuck with. Still, she just keeps reminding herself that it is only a matter of time before Jeff, her almost-boyfriend, realizes he left her in the library and comes to rescue her.

Only he doesn’t come. No one does.

Instead it becomes clear that Autumn is going to have to spend the next couple of days living off vending-machine food and making conversation with a boy who clearly wants nothing to do with her. Except there is more to Dax than meets the eye. As he and Autumn at first grudgingly, and then not so grudgingly, open up to each other, Autumn is struck by their surprising connection. But can their feelings for each other survive once the weekend is over and Autumn’s old life, and old love interest, threaten to pull her from Dax’s side?

Short and Sweet

Autumn finds herself locked in the library for the weekend when her friends forget about her and head up to a bonfire. Autumn thinks her friends will figure out that she isn’t with them and come and rescue her. As the time passes by Autumn finds out that she’s not in the library alone she’s locked in with Dax Shepard. All she knows about Dax is that he’s trouble.

My Thoughts

~ Could the setting get any better? Seriously they’re locked in a library. That’s like a dream come true!

~ So Autumn is supposed to go up to a cabin with her friends and a guy she likes but ends up getting left behind when she has to stop in the library to go to the bathroom. How did her friends not notice on the drive that they were missing a person? I don’t know.

~ In the library Autumn meets Dax who doesn’t want anything to do with her. He just wants to pass the weekend by, but Autumn won’t have that, she tries to learn more about him and plans a few activities.

~ I didn’t like Dax at first because he was standoffish but towards the end I came around to liking him, a lot!

~ We’re only in the library for half of the book and then the other half of the book we get to see how Autumn lives life now that she’s free. Basically a lot of stuff happened while she was trapped in the library. Jeff (the guy Autumn likes) was in a car accident and she now has to juggle seeing her friends, him, and trying to fight her feelings for Dax.

~ I loved getting to see Autumn and Dax’s relationship grow outside of the library and how Autumn put in the effort to see him.

~ I don’t know how I feel about Autumn’s friends. I liked Lisa because she was always supportive of Autumn’s choices, but her other friends weren’t as important.

~ Autumn suffers from anxiety and panic attacks which she tries to keep on the down low, because she doesn’t want any of her friends to treat her differently.


I loved this book, its more than just your usual romance. It was a happy ending and everything was tied up nicely. It didn’t take me long to finish this book. I would recommend it! It was cute and short and if you like contemporaries and romance, pick this book up!


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