THE HANDS OF TIME By Michelle Madow

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE HANDS OF TIME By Michelle MadowThe Hands of Time by Michelle Madow
Series: Elementals #5
Published by Dreamscape Publishing on 11/2/16
Genres: Action & Adventure, Fantasy & Magic, Mythology, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 288
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Months ago, Nicole Cassidy’s life was turned upside-down when she discovered that she was a witch descended from the Greek gods. She and the four other witches gifted with elemental powers fought all over the world—and in another dimension—to battle the supporters of the Titans and fight for the people they love.

Now the Elementals must stop Typhon—the most dangerous monster in the world—from rising, and seal the portal to the dangerous prison world of Kerberos. But they won’t be able to do that without facing their hardest decision yet… a sacrifice so great that it may be one they’re not willing to make.

Short and Sweet

Picking up right where we left off in the last book, Nicole has the chance to go back in time and fix her mistakes to save Blake’s life and Medusa’s head from being destroyed. Now her and the other Elementals have to finish their quest of stopping the Titans from rising.

My Thoughts

~ I loved this book but it was bittersweet. It’s the last book in the series, we lose a few characters, and sacrifices are made, but like all of the books they only get better and this was my favorite in the series.

~ When I started reading this book I had a few ideas about what I thought was going to happen but I was caught off guard by some of the twist. I don’t want to spoil anything but these twist were unexpected and I didn’t see anything coming.

~ The pace in this book was pretty fast. That being said I felt like some of the tasks the Elementals had to handle in the first half of the book were easy, but in the second half that’s when they had to deal with the bigger decisions that would impact their futures and lives.

~ I think the romance between characters in this book took a backseat mainly because they had bigger and better things to worry about and I didn’t really mind that.

~ This is hard for me to say but I did not like Nicole in this book. She was pretty selfish especially at the end. I mean I understand not wanting something to happen to your boyfriend but to act like someone else’s life isn’t as important just bothered me.

~ I loved Danielle, she seemed to be level-headed and always thought things through.


I loved watching these characters grow over these past five books and develop into the heroes they are now. This book was a crazy ride and left me speechless. It was a great ending to this series. I would recommend this series, these books aren’t long and you can just breeze through them. If you like mythology and witches and quest then pick this series up!


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