Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WE SHOULD HANG OUT SOMETIME: EMBARRASSINGLY, A TRUE STORY By Josh SundquistWe Should Hang Out Sometime: Embarrassingly a True Story by Josh Sundquist
Published by Brown Books for Young Readers on 1/19/16
Genres: Autobiography, Humor, Young Adult
Pages: 352
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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When I was twenty-five years old, it came to my attention that I had never had a girlfriend. At the time, I was actually under the impression that I was in a relationship, so this bit of news came as something of a shock.
Why was Josh still single? To find out, he tracked down each of the girls he had tried to date since middle school and asked them straight up: What went wrong?
The results of Josh's semiscientific investigation are in your hands. From a disastrous Putt-Putt date involving a backward prosthetic foot, to his introduction to CFD (Close Fast Dancing), and a misguided "grand gesture" at a Miss America pageant, this story is about looking for love--or at least a girlfriend--in all the wrong places.
Poignant, relatable, and totally hilarious, this memoir is for anyone who has ever wondered, "Is there something wrong with me?"
(Spoiler Alert: the answer is no.)

Short and Sweet

“Why am I still single?” This is the question Josh asks himself, and to find out the answer Josh finds his past girlfriends and tries to figure out where it went wrong.

My Thoughts

~ This is probably one of the funniest books I’ve read in awhile and what makes it even better is that these are true stories. Sundquist does an amazing job at telling his story and it kept me entertained and wanting to know the answer to his question. It’s like a friend telling you a story which was my favorite thing about this book.

~ So we meet all of Josh’s girlfriends starting from the very first one from 8th grade. For each of his ex-girlfriends we get a background and then we get to see where it went wrong in their perspective.

~ We also get to see some charts and graphs which was cool.

~ Like I said the stories are pretty funny my favorite one was about the date at the Putt Putt golf course.


This is a relatable book about dating and I enjoyed it. It was an easy read and I read it in a few days I found his stories hilarious, some of them were pretty awkward but it was okay because I’m sure that’s how most teenage relationships are. I think this is a must read especially if you want to read some relatable stories about dating.


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