THE LAST OF AUGUST By Brittany Cavallaro

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE LAST OF AUGUST By Brittany CavallaroThe Last of August by Brittany Cavallaro
Series: Charlotte Holmes #2
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 2/14/17
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Jamie and Charlotte are looking for a winter break reprieve in Sussex after a fall semester that almost got them killed. But nothing about their time off is proving simple, including Holmes and Watson’s growing feelings for each other. When Charlotte’s beloved Uncle Leander goes missing from the Holmes estate—after being oddly private about his latest assignment in a German art forgery ring—the game is afoot once again, and Charlotte throws herself into a search for answers.

So begins a dangerous race through the gritty underground scene in Berlin and glittering art houses in Prague, where Holmes and Watson discover that this complicated case might change everything they know about their families, themselves, and each other.

Short and Sweet

In this sequel to A Study in Charlotte we’re in England with Watson and Holmes for winter break! But just because they’ve left the States doesn’t mean they’ve left the mysteries behind. This mystery hits close to home as Holmes’ uncle Leander goes missing and her mother is poisoned, and there’s art forgeries involved.


Jaime Watson: One of our main characters. Jaime is a descendant of James Watson in case his name didn’t tip you off. James is our narrarator during the first 3/4’s of the book. He had a more prominent role in this book I think, he tried to solve it on his own and he put some clues together.

Charlotte Holmes: Our other main character and descendant of Sherlock Holmes. She definitely has qualities that Sherlock has. She’s a very interesting character in that she has great deductive skills but isn’t great at sharing her feelings with others so you kind of have to guess what she’s up to.

August Moriarty: In this book we get to meet Holmes’ old tutor. He was a decent character he was mainly there to help them solve their case. But he’s still a moriarty so can we really trust him?


Charlotte Holmes and Jaime Watson have the most… I don’t even know how to describe their relationship. I mean they work well as partners and there’s feelings there but its complicated to describe. Their whole relationship is the definition of Facebook’s its complicated status.

My Thoughts

~ I thought the beginning was a little slow, I think it’s because we had to meet a few more characters and learn about their backstory but after that the story took off.

~ We see more traveling in this book which I loved.

~ Jaime took off on his own and tried to follow leads which was really interesting to see what he would do without Charlotte.

~ Charlotte is still the same Charlotte we met in the first book, you just learn to love her even though she’s closed off.

~ This was an interesting mystery, because Leander was trying to solve one so when he went missing Holmes and Watson and to figure out what he was trying to solve and solve the mystery of his disappearance.

~ My favorite part of this book was meeting Elmira Davenport she’s quite the character.

~ The ending killed me I don’t even know what to think it happened so fast. I need the next book to see what happens next!


If you haven’t read A Study in Charlotte you should, and then pick up this book! I love the dynamic between Holmes and Watson and seeing them solve mysteries together is great! We meet new characters we travel and we’re solving mysteries whats not to love? Pick up this book I recommend it!



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