
KISS OF FROST by Jennifer Estep

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

KISS OF FROST by Jennifer EstepKiss of Frost by Jennifer Estep
Series: Mythos Academy #2
Published by Kensington Books on 2011
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 374
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Reviewed by Dani

Logan Quinn was trying to kill me. My Spartan classmate relentlessly pursued me, swinging his sword at me over and over again, the shining silver blade inching closer to my throat every time. A smile tugged up his lips, and his ice-blue eyes practically glowed with the thrill of battle . . . I'm Gwen Frost, a second-year warrior-in-training at Mythos Academy, and I have no idea how I'm going to survive the rest of the semester. One day, I'm getting schooled in swordplay by the guy who broke my heart--the drop-dead gorgeous Logan who slays me every time. Then, an invisible archer in the Library of Antiquities decides to use me for target practice. And now, I find out that someone at the academy is really a Reaper bad guy who wants me dead. I'm afraid if I don't learn how to live by the sword--with Logan's help--I just might die by the sword . . .

After the events that took place in Touch of Frost the teachers at Mythos Academy decided that Gwen should take Weapons training in case there’s a reaper and she needs to protect herself. Gwen just happens to be taking these extra defense classes with Logan (be still my heart). But it’s time for winter break so everyone at Mythos is ready to go to the Winter Carnival. Right before they leave Gwen almost gets run over, and shot with an arrow. She believes it is due to a Reaper wanting revenge for the death of another Reaper. At the Winter Carnival similar strange things start happening, leading her to uncovering the truth behind it. Gwen decides to take matters into her own hands and tries to find out who is after her.

I’m editing this review after a reread and my original thoughts about this book still hold up. I love this series! I decided to pick up this book again after I felt like I needed a comfort book. My favorite thing about this book is the relationship between Logan and Gwen, Logan is still a taken man but you can feel the tension between these two and I love how it builds up. We also get to see Gwen’s powers increase she’s now able to use her memories of seeing people fight and use their moves to defend herself. I love how the Winter Carnival seems like such a fun event but someone is trying to kill Gwen. I almost forgot to mention, Gwen is trying to get over Logan and she meets Preston a student at one of the other branches. Preston was okay but my heart belongs to Logan. There’s some interesting twists that take place in this book and it will have you wanting more.

Overall, this is still one of my favorite series. I plan on rereading the rest of the books and either editing past reviews or uploading new ones. If you haven’t read the Mythos Academy series please check it out!

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