AVOW By Chelsea Fine

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

AVOW By Chelsea FineAvow by Chelsea Fine
Series: The Archers of Avalon #3
Published by Firefall Publishing on 12/15/2012
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 388
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Scarlet remembers. Everything. Her past lives, Tristan, Gabriel, Nate: she remembers it all--including how to get to the Fountain of Youth. But time is running out. Heather and Gabriel have been kidnapped by Raven, while the curse that has plagued Scarlet and Tristan for centuries has shifted, putting the star-crossed lovers in more danger than ever before. Water from the Fountain of Youth is the only thing that can save Scarlet and her loved ones. But the water comes at a price. With lives--and hearts--at stake, Scarlet leads her friends on a dangerous journey to the Fountain of Youth. Where eternal life is possible, but death is certain.

Short and Sweet Review

Avow is the third and final book in The Archers of Avalon series. In this book Scarlet remembers everything. Now it’s Scarlet to find the Fountain of Youth and break the curse, and save Heather and Gabriel from Raven. I seriously loved this series when I finished the second book I bought this one right away and finished it in one day. This book was a page turner and I’m so glad that Scarlet remembers everything, and which Archer Brother she should really be with. Their journey to the Fountain of Youth had me worrying about their safety, I’ve come to love these characters so much. The plot is amazing and I enjoyed how this book held my attention the whole time. I don’t want to spoil anything because this is the last book but questions were answered and there were some twist. I love the romance in this book Scarlet and Tristan I ship it. I think everyone should give this trilogy a chance it’s one of my favorites!


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