Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

WHAT DREAMS MAY COME By Beth M. HoneycuttWhat Dreams May Come by Beth M. Honeycutt
Published by Beth M. Honeycutt on 5/28/14
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 249
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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He knows her darkest secrets, sees into her dreams. Math class will never be the same.

Reality is overrated. Or so Ellie Cross believes. She greatly prefers the dreams she shares with her lifelong BFF and secret crush, Gabe, to her real life. And okay, so yeah, lately Ellie’s noticed that Gabe’s kinda hot. Make that incredibly hot. But that doesn’t mean she’s crazy or anything. And so what if she happens to have an itsy-bitsy crush on her reality-challenged friend? Who’s it hurting, really? Even better, since he isn’t real, she can tell dream-guy-Gabe anything, without ever worrying that he’ll ditch her for someone cooler or embarrass her by blabbing her secrets.

But things are about to get complicated, because there’s a new guy in school—a guy with hauntingly familiar eyes. A guy who knows things about Ellie that he shouldn’t have any way of knowing…

Short and Sweet Review

Ellie has been talking to Gabe in her dreams for a while. No one believes he’s real except for Ellie, so when a new student named Gabriel seems to know more about Ellie then he should she starts to question if her two worlds can actually collide. So I’m trying to figure out how to write this review. I liked this book I feel like maybe if I was younger I would like it a lot more than I did. I don’t know Ellie was an okay character to me she didn’t have a lot of self esteem which I can understand because she’s been bullied, but at some point in the book I just got annoyed by her. She kept pushing Gabriel away mainly because she wanted to stay loyal to Gabe, but it took her a while to figure out how similar they really were. If Ellie just took the time to get to know him instead of avoiding him all would have been easy breezy. I would commend Gabriel and his patience to gibe Ellie time to come around. I liked Mitzi and her care free attitude and how she was definitely the opposite of Ellie. Anyway it was a cute story, it’s really short and you can read through it quick, the only thing I didn’t like was how whiny Ellie seemed at times. By the way I just realized this is only an ebook. Would I recommend this book? Sure maybe to readers in high school but as for me it just wasn’t something I liked at this age (I’m only 20).


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