Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SHATTERED SOULS By Mary LindseyShattered Souls by Mary Lindsey
Series: Souls #1
Published by Speak on 12/6/12
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Lenzi hears voices and has visions - gravestones, floods, a boy with steel gray eyes. Her boyfriend, Zak, can't help, and everything keeps getting louder and more intense. Then Lenzi meets Alden, the boy from her dreams, who reveals that she's a reincarnated Speaker - someone who can talk to and help lost souls - and that he has been her Protector for centuries.

Now Lenzi must choose between her life with Zak and the life she is destined to lead with Alden. But time is running out: a malevolent spirit is out to destroy Lenzi, and he will kill her if she doesn't make a decision soon.

Short and Sweet Review

Lenzi’s dad recently died he committed suicide, because he couldn’t get rid of the voices in his head. Now, Lenzi is starting to hear things and see things too. One night in the graveyard Lenzi meets a stranger named Alden,who tells Lenzi that she is a Speaker, she has the ability to speak to lost souls and help them to find rest in death by freeing them from the problems that keep them bound to Earth. Alden is her Protector, he protects her from Malevolents, violent spirits who don’t want to be helped, but who could potentially possess Lenzi’s body, using it to take out their rage or revenge. The problem is there is a malevolent spirit who wants revenge on Lenzi and she doesn’t know why. I loved this book it was like Ghost Whisperer in book form. I liked seeing how Lenzi had to adjust to this new life of being a speaker and learning how to do things again. This book had so many elements I liked, my favorite thing would have to be learning about Lenzi’s past lives as a speaker. It was interesting and it also helps us find out what this malevolent spirit wants from her. Alden is sweet and charming although he does have his moments where he can be awkward. The plot is great and had me hooked the book is creepy and has a bit of a mysterious vibe to it. Definitely pick this one up if you like books about ghost or want a book with Ghost Whisperer vibes!


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