DREAMOLOGY By Lucy Keating

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

DREAMOLOGY By Lucy KeatingDreamology by Lucy Keating
Published by HarperTeen on 4/12/16
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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For as long as Alice can remember, she has dreamed of Max. Together, they have traveled the world and fallen deliriously, hopelessly in love. Max is the boy of her dreams—and only her dreams. Because he doesn’t exist.

But when Alice walks into class on her first day at a new school, there he is. Real Max is nothing like Dream Max. He’s stubborn and complicated. And he has a whole life Alice isn’t a part of. Getting to know each other in reality isn’t as perfect as Alice always hoped.

Alarmingly, when their dreams start to bleed into their waking hours, the pair realize that they might have to put an end to a lifetime of dreaming about each other. But when you fall in love in your dreams, can reality ever be enough?

Short and Sweet

Since Alice was little she has always had dreams with Max in them. In these dreams Alice and Max go on adventures and travel the world. Of course Max isn’t real because he’s only in Alice’s dreams, but everything changes when Alice walks into her new school and into class and sees Max. This Max is different than dream Max he’s doesn’t seem to want anything to do with Alice. Now Alice is determined to find out why they dream about each other, because things from their dreams are starting to seep into their reality.


Alice: Our main character who has dreams about Max, and is trying to fit in at a new school. She also has a few family issues, due to the fact that her mother left her at a young age and hasn’t returned. Alice is a dreamer, she’s adventurous and not afraid to admit it, she was out there. When Alice put her mind to something she didn’t stop until she got it.

Max: The boy Alice dreams about. Max is very different in the dreams and reality. Dream Max is fun and adventurous. Max in reality is a little stubborn and reserved he likes to think things through.


Obviously in their dreams Max and Alice are in a relationship, but in reality Max has a girlfriend Celeste, which complicates a lot of things. They both have feelings for each other but Max is taken so its complicated.

My Thoughts

~ My favorite part about this book was reading about Max and Alice’s dreams, they go to the most amazing places and have the most adventurous dreams. In one dream they were going down a river of milk with a Cheerio and Froot Loop as a tube.

~ I kind of felt bad for Alice she finds out that Max is real but he’s nothing like the Max she knows in her dreams. I also felt bad for Max’s girlfriend Celeste, her boyfriend has been dreaming about another girl since he was little.

~ Oliver was probably one of my favorite characters. He was known as a rule breaker and he was swoon worthy. He was one of Alice’s first friends at her new school. He was also the main source of humor.

~ Okay so the problem Alice and Max are facing is that their dreams are starting to bleed into reality and if they don’t put a stop to it they could possibly lose their sense of reality.

~ Max and Alice discover the Center for Dream Discovery (CDD) which is where they went as children to deal with the fact that they couldn’t sleep. Here Alice and Max try to figure out whats going on with them.

~ Finding out what happened that made this two dream about each other was so interesting, I also thought it was crazy that because they’ve been doing it for so long it was starting to become dangerous.


This book was cute and it didn’t take long to read at all! I read it fairly quickly and enjoyed it. This book is different and I think now is the perfect time to read it, it’s almost the summer and this book is light, funny and cute! Pick it up!


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