#FAMOUS By Jilly Gagnon

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

#FAMOUS By Jilly Gagnon#famous by Jilly Gagnon
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 2/14/17
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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In this modern day love story: Girl likes boy. Girl snaps photo and posts it online. Boy becomes insta-famous. And what starts out as an innocent photo turns into a whirlwind adventure that forces them both to question whether fame—and love—are worth the price…and changes both of their lives forever.

Short and Sweet Review

One faithful day at the mall Rachel takes a picture of Kyle and she post the picture on Flit a social media website and it ends up going viral. Kyle becomes a sensation and people want to meet him and take pictures and he even ends up on a talk show. Rachel on the other hand got a lot of backlash people were vicious. I enjoyed the storyline, it was cute and light. We have to see how these two navigate whats happening to them, Rachel with dealing with mean comments and Kyle with the stardom. We also get to see Kyle and Rachel be put together because of the talk show that Kyle goes on. I think they were both okay characters we don’t see much growth from them but we see how they deal with their struggles, Rachel with trying to accept herself while others are putting her down and Kyle with not losing himself and his current reality with everything that is happening. The ending was great and things were wrapped up nicely. This book was cute, light, and a fast read it would be a good read for the summer, just two teens dealing with stardom.


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