Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

UNFILTERED: NO SHAME, NO REGRETS, JUST ME. By Lily CollinsUnfiltered: No Shame, No Regrets, Just Me. by Lily Collins
Published by HarperCollins on 3/7/17
Genres: Autobiography, Contemporary, Nonfiction
Pages: 240
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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For the first time ever, Lily shares her life and her own deepest secrets, underlining that every single one of us experiences pain and heartbreak. We all understand what it’s like to live in the light and in the dark. For Lily, it’s about making it through to the other side, where you love what you see in the mirror and where you embrace yourself just as you are. She's learned that all it takes is one person standing up and saying something for everyone else to realize they’re not alone.

By turns hilarious and heartbreaking, Lily’s honest voice will inspire you to be who you are and say what you feel. It’s time to claim your voice! It’s time to live your life unfiltered.

Short and Sweet Review

Unfiltered was about Lily’s life and personal experiences, each chapter touches on a different subject and Lily’s experience and how she dealt with this issue. This was a book that I’m sure a lot of readers can relate to, there’s a lot of subjects that Lily covers in this book: relationships, self-love, eating disorders. Collins did a great job at just putting it all out there she wasn’t afraid to address what has happened in her past and how it has changed the present. There’s definitely an emphasis on making it to the other side, Lily went through things that are pretty dark but she tries to focus on how she has come out of that, she is also about self-acceptance and loving yourself flaws and all. My favorite chapter in this book was “We Accept the Love We Think We Deserve,” I think Collins did an amazing job at making such personal things in her life relatable to the audience. Unfiltered is one of the first book of memoirs or essays that I’ve read and I was impressed. I loved how personal it got and it felt like I got to know Lily on another level and even if I couldn’t relate to some of the essays it was interesting to see how she navigated through some of these issues and how she’s dealt with them. I recommend this book so pick it up if you have the chance!


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