EVERLESS By Sara Holland

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

EVERLESS By Sara HollandEverless by Sara Holland
Series: Everless #1
Published by HarperTeen on 1/2/18
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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In the kingdom of Sempera, time is currency—extracted from blood, bound to iron, and consumed to add time to one’s own lifespan. The rich aristocracy, like the Gerlings, tax the poor to the hilt, extending their own lives by centuries.

No one resents the Gerlings more than Jules Ember. A decade ago, she and her father were servants at Everless, the Gerlings’ palatial estate, until a fateful accident forced them to flee in the dead of night. When Jules discovers that her father is dying, she knows that she must return to Everless to earn more time for him before she loses him forever.

But going back to Everless brings more danger—and temptation—than Jules could have ever imagined. Soon she’s caught in a tangle of violent secrets and finds her heart torn between two people she thought she’d never see again. Her decisions have the power to change her fate—and the fate of time itself.

Short and Sweet

After learning that her father is dying Jules makes the decision to go back to Everless to try to earn more time for him. But Everless is more dangerous for Jules than anyone else, Jules and her father used to be servants at Everless until they were forced to leave. As Jules makes her way back to Everless she learns more about herself there than she ever thought she would.


Jules: Our main character. Jules is brave she knew she was risking her life going back to Everless, there were dangers including people from her past recognizing her. She was an amazing character she cared about those around her and tried to protect them.

Liam: Liam is a Roan’s brother and theres just something about him. Liam is distant from others and is seen as cruel. There’s a lot more to Liam that we get to find out and its shocking.

Roan: Roan is seen as the nicer brother. There’s not a lot we learn about him because he’s not seen often but we do know that he’s nice and is going to be married.

Ina: Ina is the Queen’s adopted daughter and is soon to be married to Roan. Ina is sweet and is curious about her parentage. I liked her I thought she would be snobby but she was one of the kindest characters.

Caro: Caro is the Queens handmaiden and also one of Ina’s friends. Caro comes off as shy and she does try to help Jules but she has motives for doing it.


Jules and Roan: Jules has always liked Roan even when they were children. Things are different now because Roan is set to marry Ina Gold. When Jules and Roan are together you can tell there is still something there between them.

Ina and Roan: Ina and Roan are set to be married but we don’t get many scenes with them together so I can’t really tell you how great their relationship is.


~”But to betray someone, you must first care for them.”

My Thoughts

~ Before going to Everless Jules is warned by her father to stay away from Everless, the Gerlings, and the most importantly the Queen.

~ We learn about what happened in Jules past concerning why her and her father were forced to leave Everless behind. But now that Jules is back we learn even more secrets about her and why she’s told to stay away from the queen.

~ Jules was brave and put herself in danger she decides that she wants to learn more about the queen so she becomes her servant which puts Jules in a position to tread lightly.

~ I thought Liam was an interesting character. He’s not the same person he was when Jules first lived at Everless and he’s doing things that are unusual for him.

~ In the kingdom of Sempera time is used as a currency and the time is taken by using blood. It’s really interesting but instead of money these coins are made from blood and they have time listed on them. They can also be consumed to give someone more time.

~ Ina and Jules develop an interesting friendship seeing as they were both orphans.

~ In the book we also learn about the story of the Alchemist and the Sorceress and theres a rumor that even though its been more than a few centuries that they’re both still around.

~ There’s so many twist and turns in this book and it just keeps you hooked until you get to the very last page.


I LOVED this book! I’m so glad that I got to read Everless! There’s so many secrets that are uncovered and the ending just leaves you wanting more. I can’t wait until the next book is released. Pick up this book now and start off 2018 with a book that will blow your mind!!!



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