Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE YOUNG QUEENS By Kendare BlakeThe Young Queens by Kendare Blake
Series: Three Dark Crowns #0.2
Published by HarperTeen on 12/26/17
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 85
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Mirabella, Arsinoe, and Katharine weren't always scheming to murder each other. They weren't always surrounded by rival foster families, each swearing to have their best interests at heart. And they weren't always afraid of being unexpectedly attacked—by one of their own sisters, no less—in a way that could cost them their last breath.

They used to be together. Just three sisters. Alone in a glen.

This is the story of the three queens—after they were born, before they were separated, during the time when they all lived together, loved each other, and protected each other. It’s also the story of the day they were torn apart, and the several years that follow.

From birth to eleven years old, this is a rare glimpse of the queens' lives…before they were at stake.

Short and Sweet Review

What could go wrong when you read a book about your favorite queens before they knew about having to kill each other? Absolutely nothing. When we first start this novella we get to read about The queens parents, Queen Camille and King Philippe. I love reading about past queens I think it would be interesting to see what their lives are like after they give birth to the future queens and leave Fennbirn. In this book we get to see the queens when they were younger when they lived at the cottage and how close they were as sisters and their bond. We also get some insight on some things that I don’t want to spoil for you guys. All of the queens have a pretty rough go of it once they’re separated but we see how they adjust to life away from each other and with their new foster families. Mirabella is my favorite queen, she is the oldest of the three but she has a motherly instinct and still cares about her sisters even though she can no longer see them. This book really explains why each queen is the way she is, why Mirabella is so reluctant to hurt her sisters, why Arsinoe tries to leave the island, and why Katherine the youngest is struggling with being a poisoner. I love this series and I think everyone should read it. I would recommend reading this novella after the first book so nothing gets spoiled for you!


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