ALLIED By Amy Tintera

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

ALLIED By Amy TinteraAllied by Amy Tintera
Series: Ruined #3
Published by HarperTeen on 5/1/18
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 416
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Emelina Flores and her sister, Olivia, were determined to bring peace to the people of Ruina. But as the war for liberation raged on, what triumph and freedom meant to Em and Olivia slowly changed. As Olivia’s violence and thirst for vengeance became her only ambition, Em was left to pick up the pieces.

But it’s not only Em who is upset by Olivia’s increased violence. Other members of the Ruined army are beginning to see the cracks, and soon a small group of them defects from Olivia’s army and joins Em instead.

The two sisters are soon pitted against each other in an epic battle for the kingdom and the future, and only one will win.

Short and Sweet

After everything that has happened in the past two novels Emelina and Olivia are divided and only one sister will make it out alive. Alliances will have to be made and people will have to chose sides. Emelina knows that theres faults in Olivia’s way of thinking and the other Ruined are noticing it too. Its only a matter of time before Emelina has to figure out a way to defeat her sister.


Emelina: One of the queens of Ruina. Em is obviously the more sensible sister of the two, she doesn’t feel like she needs to conquer the world she just wants to be with Cas and keep her people safe. She’s smart and even though she knows what she’s going to end up doing will be hard Em knows its what needs to be done and I commend her for that.

Olivia: The other queen of Ruina. The first word that comes to mind when I think about Olivia is crazy, she just has one thing on her mind and thats revenge. She expects everyone to side with her and she plans on getting what she wants even if others don’t agree with her.

Cas: The king of Lera. After everything that has happened Cas has to rebuild Lera and plans to do things differently than his parents did and that includes making an alliance with the Ruined even though he knows his people are reluctant about the idea. Cas is very compassionate and considers other peoples interest and ideas before he makes a decision.

Aren: One of the most powerful ruined. I love Aren he’s so loyal to Em and understands her point of view and I just love how he protects her especially because she’s useless its helpful when he’s around because the other ruined listen. Aren is also compassionate and cares about people and is willing to risk his life in order to save others.

Iria: The Olso warrior who betrayed her army in order to help Aren. We learn more about Iria because we get to read from her point of view. I actually liked her a lot she risked a lot by helping Aren and because of it she ends up in a jail and becoming known as a traitor.

Galo: One of Cas’ guards. Galo goes through a lot in this book, he’s trying to find his place. I like him and how willing he was to help the Ruined in this book. Its also a joke in this book that he always feels like he has to save everyone and I think that its really sweet.


Emelina and Cas: My favorite couple in the book of course. I love that these two have stuck together even though they originally supposed to be together. They have to face all of the odds and somehow they make it work and its just so impressive, love conquers all.

Aren and Iria: I’m in love with this relationship, these two just mesh so well. I mean Iria literally became a traitor to her people just to save Aren and in this book he delivers on his promise to rescue her and it’s just so sweet and the loyalty makes my heart swell. When you read from each of their POVs they’re thinking about each other she’s thinking about if he’ll actually come to save her and he’s just thinking about when he’ll get the chance to finally go rescue her. They care so much about each other and you can tell and I love it!

Galo and Mateo: Two guards in love. We get to see there relationship a bit more in this book but most of the time they’re separated, but even thought they aren’t together you can tell they care about each other.


~”You can run now, sister.” Olivia said from behind her. “But I’m coming for you. I promise.”

~”The Ruined don’t hide anymore. We fight.”

My Thoughts

~ Allied takes place right after the events of Avenged and now the Ruined are trying to decide if they should follow Olivia or Em. There’s a lot of tension surrounding the Ruined and the sisters especially because they know they can’t trust each other.

~ I liked how everything came down to stopping Olivia it was obviously a hard decision for Em to make because it was her sister, the sister she risked everything for to save, but Em knew the only way to keep others safe was to stop Olivia.

~ On one hand I like Olivia because she’s ruthless but on the other hand she’s really crazy like the amount of people she took out was insane.

~ We get to read from multiple characters POVs which I liked and it didn’t get confusing at any point I think it helped add to the story.

~ Theres just so much going on in this book and it held my attention the whole way through. I enjoyed reading about the betrayal and alliances that were eventually formed I also liked reading about the war that was going to happen either way.

~ Out of all the books in the series Allied would have to be my favorite I loved how everything was wrapped up.


I’m so sad that this trilogy is over! It became one of my favorites after I finished reading Ruined I knew this series was going to be amazing and it was. Allied is just the perfect ending to this trilogy I was worried that it may fall short but it does not disappoint! I definitely think this series is worth reading and I will never stop recommending it to friends and family, so if you haven’t read the Ruined series yet I strongly suggest you pick it up today!


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