THE DEEPEST ROOTS By Miranda Asebedo

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE DEEPEST ROOTS By Miranda AsebedoThe Deepest Roots by Miranda Asebedo
Published by HarperTeen on 9/18/18
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Cottonwood Hollow, Kansas, is a strange place. For the past century, every girl has been born with a special talent, like the ability to Fix any object, Heal any wound, or Find what is missing.

To best friends Rome, Lux, and Mercy, their abilities often feel more like a curse. Rome may be able to Fix anything she touches, but that won’t help her mom pay rent. Lux’s ability to attract any man with a smile has always meant danger. And although Mercy can make Enough of whatever is needed, even that won’t help when her friendship with Rome and Lux is tested.

Follow three best friends in this enchanting debut novel as they discover that friendship is stronger than curses, that trust is worth the risk, and sometimes, what you’ve been looking for has been under your feet the whole time.

Short and Sweet

The girls from Cottonwood Hollow are all born with a talent, such as finding things, fixing things, or even healing. We follow Rome, Lux, and Mercy as they discover that their friendship is stronger than the secrets they’re keeping from each other.


Rome: Rome is a fixer which means she can fix things. Rome is a strong and independent character, she puts on a brave front and tries to keep her problems bottled up. Rome has been helping her mom make ends meet for the past year and she keeps this a secret from her friends because she doesn’t want her friends to pity her or look at her as a charity case.

Lux: Lux is a siren and her gift can only be used on men. Lux considers her talent a gift because one wrong look at someone and they’ll be head over heels for her. Lux has also been keeping secrets from her friends about her home life and her secret getting out can mean her whole life changing.

Mercy: Mercy’s talent is enough, which means whenever she is around there will always be enough of something like food or drinks. I loved Mercy she’s so sweet and caring. She’s nice to everyone which made her character so lovable. Mercy didn’t have any secrets that she was keeping but it hurts her to know that Lux and Rome are keeping things from her because they’re more than friends they’re like sisters.


Rome and Jett: I liked this couple a lot. Rome and Jett go to the same school but their first conversation took place when Rome ran out of gas and Jett gave her a ride to the gas station. They’re so cute together and it’s weird for Rome because she’s from Cottonwood Hollow and he’s from Evanston. Theres a few times when Rome tries to push Jett away but she realizes that she does like him. Jett is a sweet guy and he genuinely cares for Rome, and wants to get to know her.


~ “Sometimes being a good friend means keeping your distance, even if you’re walking side by side.”

~ “We’ve fought before, but never over secrets like these.”

My Thoughts

~ The bond between these three girls is amazing, as I mentioned before they’re more like sisters than friends. They go through their problems and they’re achievements together.

~ A long time ago Emmeline Remington put a curse on the town and after that every girl born in Cottonwood Hollow has a talent. I thought that this aspect of the book was interesting because we see that everyone in town has a different kind of talent. Our three main characters learn that these talents may not be a curse but a gift.

~ The storyline was great and it held my attention the whole time I liked learning more about the girls, and the town. I thought that this book would have three POVs but we’re just reading from Romes.

~ Not only do we learn about all of the girls personal lives but we also learn that Emmeline left a dowry chest and Lux believes that the contents of this chest can help her fix her situation at home and Rome believes it could help her too.

~ Both Lux and Rome are keeping secrets from Mercy because they don’t think she’s strong enough to handle it and because she’s the gentle one out of the three of them but they learn that Mercy is stronger than she looks.

~ I like that each girl had a different characteristics and they still complemented each other. Rome is brave and tries to deal with things on her own, Lux is strong and trying to make it, and Mercy is compassionate and has a heart of gold.


This book was so AMAZING and I couldn’t put it down! It was such a beautiful journey that these three girls go through to learn that their bond as friends is unbreakable and that they truly care for each other no matter what the circumstances are. The characters are relatable and I got so invested in their lives. The Deepest Roots is a contemporary with a little magic, which was interesting and made me more interested in learning about the talents in town and to find this dowry chest. I absolutely loved this book and in the short amount of time that I’ve read it and processed everything it has become one of my favorites! I definitely recommend this book, the writing, the storyline, and the characters are just everything that I was looking for to get me back into reading.



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