BLACKLIST By Alyson Noel

Dani Young 

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BLACKLIST By Alyson NoelBlacklist by Alyson Noel
Series: Beautiful Idols #2
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 4/4/17
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 448
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Wannabe reporter LAYLA, aspiring actress ASTER, and fledgling musician TOMMY joined the Unrivaled nightclub competition for the same reason—they knew winning it would change their lives. They just never imagined that somewhere along the way they’d become entangled in the disappearance of mega starlet MADISON BROOKS.

Now each of them is smack in the center of a media frenzy that threatens to take all of them down.

Banding together to clear their names, the fierce adversaries become temporary allies and vow to dig up the truth. But when Layla, Aster, and Tommy team up with an unsuspecting insider, they will find that some secrets are best kept in the grave.

Short and Sweet

After Madison’s disappearance Aster has become suspect number one. Those closest to Aster know she didn’t do it, now Tommy, Layla, and Aster have to come together and try to figure out what actually happened to Madison to clear Aster’s name.


Layla: In this book Layla is still a wannabe reporter but she also still works for Ira. I liked Layla a lot in this book she thought about things before taking action and she really wanted to help Aster. Layla is still fierce and snarky but she has to make a lot of hard decisions in this book that could ruin her.

Aster: Well Aster has it hard in this book, she’s out on bail and she’s the number one suspect when it comes to Madison’s disappearance. All Aster wants to do is clear her name and move on, but she knows she has to be careful about how she handles things.

Tommy: Tommy still wants to be a musician and in this book he’s making his dreams come true. Tommy actually wants nothing to do with the Aster Madison drama and just wants to focus on his career.

Madison: Madison is somewhere she’s been kidnapped and she’s just trying to survive and escape.

Ryan: Madison’s ex-boyfriend. I was actually shocked that we got to see more of Ryan in this book, but he was more than willing to help the group find out what happened.

Mateo: Layla’s ex-boyfriend. Mateo has been working on modeling and is trying to make money to pay for his sisters hospital bills.

Ira: Ira the owner of the unrivaled night clubs and he seems very willing to help Aster with getting lawyers and getting her out of jail.


Aster and Ryan: I actually liked the budding relationship between these two especially after what happened in the last book. Ryan wants to help Aster and I liked how patient he was with her, because she was wary about him for most of the book.

Layla and Tommy: After their kiss from the last book Layla and Tommy haven’t done anything since, but in this book they still have a connection but it isn’t their main focus.

My Thoughts

~ I loved how everyone teamed up to help Aster and they all put clues together to try to figure out what happened to Madison and who’s actually to blame for her disappearance.

~ In this book someone starts sending Layla mysterious packages with threats and diary entries that seem to be written by Madison before she became Madison. These threats tell Layla to post the diary entries on her blog but Layla is reluctant.

~ Madison is still out there somewhere and she doesn’t know where and doesn’t know who her captor or captors are, but she does have a blacklist of people she thinks could have put her in this position.

~ We still follow each character and how they live their lives but Aster has to deal with being on the hook for Madison, Layla is dealing with threats and trying to please her boss, and Tommy is working on his music.


I loved this book there’s so much going on and it works well, its never to overwhelming. I loved the mystery aspect and I still don’t know who could have taken Madison or what exactly happened in her past but I’m excited to find out how everything will wrap up in the next book!


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