EVERMORE By Sara Holland

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

EVERMORE By Sara HollandEvermore by Sara Holland
Series: Everless #2
Published by HarperTeen on 12/31/18
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Jules Ember was raised hearing legends of the ancient magic of the wicked Alchemist and the good Sorceress. But she has just learned the truth: She is the Alchemist, and Caro—a woman who single-handedly murdered the Queen and Jules’s first love, Roan, in cold blood—is the Sorceress.

The whole kingdom believes that Jules is responsible for the murders, and a hefty bounty has been placed on her head. And Caro is intent on destroying Jules, who stole her heart twelve lifetimes ago. Now Jules must piece together the stories of her past lives to save the person who has captured her heart in this one.

Short and Sweet

After the events that took place in Everless, Jules is back and she’s on the run. Jules is being accused of murdering the Queen and Roan when it wasn’t her but Caro the Sorceress. Now Jules must try to remember her past as the Alchemist and piece together memories that will help will her figure out how to finally kill the Sorceress.


Jules (The Alchemist): Jules the Alchemist on a mission to learn about her past and find a way to stop the Sorceress. We do see Jules get frustrated a lot in this book at her inability to remember things from her past, but each time she gets a flashback she does feel one step closer to finding a way to stop Caro.

Caro (The Sorceress): Caro is well Caro. I mean she’s the Sorceress and she’s on a mission to find Jules and finally get her heart back after all these years and she’ll stop at nothing. Caro scares me its like she finds it fun to toy with Jules and Jules’s feelings for Caro because she knows Jules cares about her.

Liam: We get a lot more of Liam in this book than we did in Everless and he is determined to help Jules and stop Caro. Liam loves Jules and desperately wants to help her and keep her safe and he thinks the best way to do that is to keep her hidden. Liam is mysterious but soon we see who he actually is and he’s kind and sweet and just wants to do the right thing.

Ina: Ina the new crowned queen and Jules’s twin sister. Ina doesn’t know the truth so she’s obviously furious at Jules for killing Roan and her mother and now as queen she has a bounty out for Jules. We don’t see Ina a lot because Jules is on the run but when we do, Ina is still kind and has a trusting nature but we learn that she’s stronger than people may think she is.

Elias: Elias is Liams best friend and helps Jules escape and aids her on the run and helps her try to figure out her past as the Alchemist. I liked Elias he was nice and liked to joke a lot but he cared for his friend Liam and would do anything to help him and Jules.


Jules and Liam: Jules and Liam grow closer in this book and they spend a lot of time together mainly because he’s helping Jules while she’s on the run. Jules knows that Caro is going to try to break her heart by trying to hurt someone Jules loves so Jules does what she thinks is best and pushes Liam away even though she wants to be with him. In the end love wins and thats all I’ll say about these two.

My Thoughts

~ I loved following Jules around on her journey to try to find out what her life as the Alchemist was like.

~ I also liked seeing more of the Alchemist powers to weave time used. It came in handy a lot in the book especially when Jules was near enemies.

~ Jules did get flashbacks from her previous lives and we learn more about her time as the Alchemist and what actually happened between her and Caro. We get the biggest flashback at the end of the book and I loved it because it just made so much sense as to how their feud started and how Jules ended up with Caro’s heart in the first place.

~ I also liked how helpful Liam was. He has spent most of his life researching the Alchemist and her life and I felt like if anyone was equipped to help Jules it was him.

~ I wish there was more with Ina and Jules I mean their sisters but Ina doesn’t know it and I mean they do get time together I just wish there was more.

~ The ending was good everything is answered but it also felt abrupt as to how it ended and I feel like that could have been better.


I thought that Evermore was a great ending to this duology. I will say I wish there was a little more to the ending than just the epilogue. I would definitely recommend this book I loved the story of the Alchemist and the Sorceress and their fight throughout different lifetimes and how it finally ended. Check these books out you won’t regret it!


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