INFAMOUS By Alyson Noel

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

INFAMOUS By Alyson NoelInfamous by Alyson Noel
Series: Beautiful Idols #3
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 4/3/18
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 432
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Club promoters Layla, Aster, and Tommy never imagined that entering the Unrivaled competition would land them in the middle of a celebrity murder investigation, but sometimes fate can be as nasty as the anonymous comments on a Hollywood gossip blog.

But Madison Brooks isn’t dead. Layla, Aster, and Tommy have been set up, and as Madison’s dirty little secrets creep closer to the light, they discover Madison will do anything to keep her past hidden—no matter who gets caught in the crossfire.

Short and Sweet Review

After everything that has happened it has finally come down to this, Madison is out there somewhere and she’s the only one who will be able to clear everyones name, if she chooses to come out of hiding. I’m going to be honest I was so excited going into this book because of everything that happened in Blacklist but this book fell short of my expectations. The first half of the book is just so slow and after that it starts to pick up but everything was answered. We learn a lot about Madison’s past, which gives us clues to who abducted her. I usually do a longer review for books like this but I felt like I didn’t need to for this book, but if you want to know more about the characters check out my review for the first book Unrivaled or Blacklist to learn about them. We did get a lot of character POVs in this book and it was easy to follow I like how they all had their own motive for trying to find Madison, and how each of them had their own clues they followed up on. I feel like Aster had the most to lose so finding Madison for her was pivotal, and I liked how the others tried to help. Over the course of the three books the characters did have some development and I will say that it was mainly due to the circumstances they were in, a group of teens who didn’t like each other had to put aside their differences and work together to figure out what was happening around them, that’s what I liked most about this book. I wasn’t surprised when I found out who kidnapped Madison but I think the motive behind it was pretty shocking. Overall I liked this book but I do think it could have been better, in all honesty I think Blacklist was the best book in this trilogy. I would recommend this book or series if you like mysteries, drama, following people live out their Hollywood dreams.


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