SADIE By Courtney Summers

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SADIE By Courtney SummersSadie by Courtney Summers
Published by Wednesday Books on 9/4/18
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Sadie hasn't had an easy life. Growing up on her own, she's been raising her sister Mattie in an isolated small town, trying her best to provide a normal life and keep their heads above water.

But when Mattie is found dead, Sadie's entire world crumbles. After a somewhat botched police investigation, Sadie is determined to bring her sister's killer to justice and hits the road following a few meager clues to find him.

When West McCray―a radio personality working on a segment about small, forgotten towns in America―overhears Sadie's story at a local gas station, he becomes obsessed with finding the missing girl. He starts his own podcast as he tracks Sadie's journey, trying to figure out what happened, hoping to find her before it's too late.

Short and Sweet Review

“And it begins, as so many stories do, with a dead girl.”

Sadie’s world revolves around her younger sister Mattie, Mattie is her only sibling and she basically raised Mattie herself, so when Mattie is murdered Sadie’s world is destroyed and she becomes obsessed with finding the killer. On the other hand we have West McCray who is a radio personality, West has been asked by Sadie’s surrogate grandmother to track her down before she ends up getting herself killed too. The book goes back and forth between Sadie and West’s POV, I actually thought it was pretty interesting because we see the leads that Sadie is following and then we have West who is starting from nothing and is a few steps behind Sadie. Sadie’s POV is a normal POV in first person but West’s POV is in more of an interview style because this story is being told on his podcast, I really liked his POV it gave more of an insight on the people Sadie came across and they were more open with him than they were with Sadie. I liked Sadie, she had a rough childhood and now all she wants to do is avenge her sister and she was smart about it to and she was pretty good and following leads to get her where she needed to be. So… the book has an open ending and I’m just not sure what to think about it, its okay and then again its not because I want to know what happened. The book does touch on sensitive subjects like pedophilia, and sexual abuse. I will say that I thoroughly enjoyed this book and finished it in one setting I was interested to see if Sadie would succeed in finding her sister’s killer and if West would succeed in finding Sadie. It was a good book and I can tell why people are raving about it, it is a book I would recommend so check it out!

“Girls go missing all the time. And ignorance is bliss.”


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