DREAD NATION By Justina Ireland

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

DREAD NATION By Justina IrelandDread Nation by Justina Ireland
Series: Dread Nation #1
Published by Balzer + Bray on 4/3/18
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Horror & Ghost Stories, Young Adult
Pages: 464
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Jane McKeene was born two days before the dead began to walk the battlefields of Gettysburg, Pennsylvania—derailing the War Between the States and changing the nation forever.

In this new America, safety for all depends on the work of a few, and laws like the Native and Negro Education Act require certain children attend combat schools to learn to put down the dead.

But there are also opportunities—and Jane is studying to become an Attendant, trained in both weaponry and etiquette to protect the well-to-do. It's a chance for a better life for Negro girls like Jane. After all, not even being the daughter of a wealthy white Southern woman could save her from society’s expectations.

But that’s not a life Jane wants. Almost finished with her education at Miss Preston's School of Combat in Baltimore, Jane is set on returning to her Kentucky home and doesn’t pay much mind to the politics of the eastern cities, with their talk of returning America to the glory of its days before the dead rose.

But when families around Baltimore County begin to go missing, Jane is caught in the middle of a conspiracy, one that finds her in a desperate fight for her life against some powerful enemies.

And the restless dead, it would seem, are the least of her problems.

Short and Sweet

Jane attends Miss Preston’s School of Combat in Baltimore preparing to be an attendant and fight off shamblers, but that’s not the life Jane wants. Jane just wants to finish her education and go back home to Kentucky. But when families start to go missing in Baltimore Jane finds herself in the middle of a situation she never thought she’d be in.


Jane: Jane is our main character and I liked her. Jane was smart unlike some of the other girls she knew how to read and write. Jane was sometimes impulsive which got her into a lot of trouble at times. Jane is also great at fighting shamblers at close combat.

Katherine: Katherine is black but she’s light skinned which gives her an advantage to pass as a white woman which she and Jane use in certain situations. I loved Katherine she well mannered, snarky, and fashionable, she’s also great with a rifle. I felt bad that people didn’t want her as an attendant because she was too pretty.


There’s not much romance in this book. Jane used to date Red Jack but they broke up and are somewhat friends now, and Jane and Gideon are just friendly with each other.


~ “Besides Jane, the day I cannot take down a few shambles wearing something fashionable is the day I turn in my rifle.”

My Thoughts

~ Let me just start by saying Jane and Katherine are my favorite thing about this book! They didn’t like each other at first but then they ended up growing on each other and that is the greatest relationship in this book their friendship!

~ The book is told in Jane’s POV only and at the start of every chapter we see a little snippet from letters between Jane and her mother. All I really want is for Jane and her mother to be reunited.

~ I liked the mystery aspect of the book because where were all the families disappearing to? This one hit more to home for Jane because its Red Jack’s sister who also goes missing.

~ When Jane and Katherine were sent to Summerland I felt to bad for them because the Priest and the Sheriff were awful it was almost like they were running a cult.

~ Like I mentioned earlier Jane is pretty smart and she comes up with a plan to get her and Katherine out of Summerland and to somewhere safe mainly back to her home at Rosehill.

~ The ending left me wanting Jane and her mother to reunite especially because the letter problem and I can’t wait to see her journey to California


I loved this book, it was amazing and I’m ready for the sequel! I just want Jane to find her momma and I want more of Jane and Katherine I love their friendship. This book was captivating and entertaining and I can’t stop thinking about it!




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