MY PLAIN JANE By Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi Meadows

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

MY PLAIN JANE By Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton, Jodi MeadowsMy Plain Jane by Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand, Jodi Meadows
Series: The Lady Janies #2
Published by HarperTeen on 6/26/18
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Retellings, Young Adult
Pages: 464
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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You may think you know the story. Penniless orphan Jane Eyre begins a new life as a governess at Thornfield Hall, where she meets one dark, brooding Mr. Rochester—and, Reader, she marries him. Or does she?

Prepare for an adventure of Gothic proportions, in which all is not as it seems, a certain gentleman is hiding more than skeletons in his closets, and one orphan Jane Eyre, aspiring author Charlotte Bronte, and supernatural investigator Alexander Blackwood are about to be drawn together on the most epic ghost hunt this side of Wuthering Heights.

Short and Sweet

My Plain Jane follows Jane Eyre as she leaves he teaching job to become a governess at Thornfield Hall. While there Jane meets the master of the house Mr. Rochester, and falls in love, but strange things are happening at Thornfield Hall. In this adventure Jane has her best friend Charlotte Bronte an aspiring author, and they both meet Alexander Blackwood a supernatural investigator.


Jane: Jane is often described as being plain and I guess to most people who come across her she is. Jane is able to see ghost and is in fact a beacon but she wants nothing to do with becoming a ghost hunter which is why she takes the job as a governess. Jane is an interesting character I liked her but she did let the shady things that Rochester did slide, I felt like she should have inquired more about the weird things going on at Thornfield.

Charlotte: Charlotte is an aspiring author and one of Janes best friends. Charlotte is not a seer but is intrigued by the work the society does to hunt down ghost so she sticks around and tries to help Alex. Even though Charlotte can’t see ghost, her great observational skills and ability to make plans does end up becoming useful enough to keep her around as an assistant.

Alex: Alex is one of the best ghost hunters and takes his job very seriously. Alex comes across Jane and realizes that she would be a great ghost hunter but she doesn’t want to accept his offer so he decides to do whatever it takes to convince her to join the society.

Helen: Helen died when she was at Lowood so she’s obviously a ghost. Helen sticks around because she believes Jane needs her to and they are best friends. I love Helen she sticks up for Jane even though most people can’t hear or see her, and when Jane is at Thornfield she acts as a voice of reason.

Mr. Rochester: Edward Rochester is the master of Thornfield Hall and something is very off with the man. Honestly he just acts so strange and acts like certain things haven’t happened, for example if there was someone banging on the wall he would pretend he didn’t hear it.


Jane and Mr. Rochester: Um Rochester is really old and acts very strange and he tells Jane nice things and I guess this is why she loves him? Honestly its just all so strange especially his odd behavior.

Charlotte and Alex: In the beginning Alex looks at Charlotte as a pest but as time goes by and they spend more time together he starts to fall for her and vice versa. I liked this relationship it wasn’t instant it took a little while to develop.

My Thoughts

~ I thought this book was funny and I wasn’t expecting that but there was a good amount of humor.

~ I liked the mystery aspect of this book, because what in the world is going on at Thornfield and why does Rochester act so strange? I also liked the ghost hunting and it was fun seeing Alex do his job.

~ So in this book Charlotte and Jane are best friends instead of Charlotte being the author of a book Jane is a character in.

~ I loved Alex and Charlotte’s attempt at trying to recruit Jane to join the society it was interesting seeing Charlotte’s plan play out.

~ Charlotte’s brother Bran is also a character and he’s supposed to be a recruit for the society but he isn’t living up to the expectations. Bran is sweet but he does make a mess of things.


I genuinely liked this book going into it I wasn’t sure how I would feel about it but I fell in love with the premise and the characters. I haven’t read a lot of books about ghost hunters but I thought it was great and I enjoyed the twist on Jane Eyre. So the books in the series don’t have to be read in order but I definitely plan on reading the first one and I can’t wait until the third book is released!


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