A QUESTION OF HOLMES By Brittany Cavallaro

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

A QUESTION OF HOLMES By Brittany CavallaroA Question of Holmes by Brittany Cavallaro
Series: Charlotte Holmes #4
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 3/5/19
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Retellings, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Charlotte Holmes and Jamie Watson finally have a chance to start over. With all the freedom their pre-college summer program provides and no one on their tail, the only mystery they need to solve, once and for all, is what they are to each other.

But upon their arrival at Oxford, Charlotte is immediately drawn into a new case: a series of accidents befell the theater program at Oxford last year, culminating in a young woman going missing on the night of a major performance.

The mystery has gone unsolved; the case is cold. And no one—least of all the girl’s peculiar, close-knit group of friends—is talking.

When Watson and Holmes join the theater program, the “accidents” start anew, giving them no choice but to throw themselves into the case. But as the complicated lines of friendship, love, and loyalty blur, time is running out—and tragedy waits in the wings.

Short and Sweet

Charlotte and Jamie are finally in the clear, they’ve left behind Sherringford and the Moriarty family. Now they’re both looking ahead to the future and they’ve started to take  summer classes at Oxford, but once Charlotte gets to the school she learns about accidents that have plagued the theater members, now Charlotte and Jamie have to stop the perpetrator before theres another victim.


Charlotte: Charlotte Holmes, our lovable main character, when I think about it she reminds me of Bones from the tv show Bones a little awkward socially but still smart and good at heart. I love Charlotte she’s been going to therapy and she’s trying to better herself and I like how she’s working on herself, she’s grown a lot over the series.

Jamie: Jamie Watson, I just like saying their last names. Jamie is still Jamie he cares, he’s still a little aggressive, and he’s just trying to focus on his future in this book. Where could taking summer classes take Jamie in the future? Well he wants to be a writer and I think he’d be great at it.


Charlotte and Jamie: So in this book Charlotte and Jamie are exploring and trying to figure out if a relationship would actually work. It’s cute they keep their boundaries but at the same time theres hand holding and kissing. I actually really liked this because they respected each other and never went beyond what the other was comfortable with.

My Thoughts

~ I feel like this book was a lot shorter than the other books in the series but it was still enjoyable I really liked the mystery in this book.

~ The book is told only in Charlotte’s POV which was different from all the other books, at first I was surprised but I really liked her narration.

~ I loved the new setting and I liked that these two were investigating accidents happening around the theater students. It was a good mystery because it was hard to tell who could have actually been causing the accidents.

~ I liked the banter between Charlotte and Jamie it was funny and cute and it was great.

~ By the way I think Leander should win uncle of the year. He cares so much about Charlotte and he keeps her safe and he’s amazing and I’m glad she had him around.

~ As much as I loved this book I didn’t like the epilogue, but I don’t want to spoil anything so I’ll just leave it at that everything was great except for the epilogue.


I’m so sad that this series is over, I liked this take on Sherlock Holmes. It’s been fun following Charlotte and Jamie and the mysteries they encounter. I thought this was a great book I liked picturing what life would be like for these two in college and the future too. I love this series and you guys should read it if you like mysteries and Sherlock Holmes because who doesn’t like Sherlock?


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