9 DAYS AND 9 NIGHTS By Katie Cotugno

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

9 DAYS AND 9 NIGHTS By Katie Cotugno9 Days and 9 Nights by Katie Cotugno
Series: 99 Days #2
Published by Balzer + Bray on 5/1/18
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 272
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Molly Barlow isn’t that girl anymore. A business major at her college in Boston, she’s reinvented herself after everything that went down a year ago… After all the people she hurt and the family she tore apart.

Slowly, life is getting back to normal. Molly has just said I love you to her new boyfriend, Ian, and they are off on a romantic European vacation together, starting with scenic London. But there on a tube platform, the past catches up to her in the form of Gabe, her ex, traveling on his own parallel vacation with new girlfriend Sadie.

After comparing itineraries, Ian ends up extending an invite for Gabe and Sadie to join them on the next leg of their trip, to Ireland. And Molly and Gabe can’t bring themselves to tell the truth about who they once were to each other to their new significant others.

Now Molly has to spend 9 days and 9 nights with the boy she once loved, the boy whose heart she shredded, without Ian knowing. Will she make it through as new and improved Molly, or will everything that happened between her and Gabe come rushing back?

Short and Sweet Review

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I knew what I was doing to myself when I decided to read this sequel to 99 Days, but I still did it. Why? Because its only a duology and it’s the end to the 99 Days series, and I just wanted to read it and be done with it. Moving on I will give you guys the synopsis and tell you why I didn’t like this book. Molly Barlow is in college now, she has a new boyfriend, Ian, and they’re on a vacation around Europe. Funny thing is Molly’s ex-boyfriend, Gabe, is also vacationing in Europe with his new girlfriend, Sadie. So after bumping into each other and comparing travel plans, Ian extends an invitation to Gabe and Sadie to join them on their way to Ireland. Now Molly and Gabe have to make it 9 days with each other. Alright lets get into it. So after everything that happened in Star Lake, Molly tried to reinvent herself while she was in college and apparently that means she won’t cheat on anyone anymore or I don’t exactly know but that’s a huge thing with her, trying not to make the same mistakes. I was okay with that like you go girl. The only problem is that Ian doesn’t know anything about her life at Star Lake and she keeps it a big secret and at a point in the book they get in argument because he was keeping something from her and I felt like she was being a hypocrite because she’s keeping things from him to. Not only does she not talk about her life back home but Ian doesn’t even know that Gabe is her ex, he just thinks that she dated Gabe’s brother, same thing with Sadie she has no clue about their history. We get to see Imogen in Ireland because she got into an art program and I honestly thought that she was the only likable character. Molly and Gabe make this book hard to read they obviously still like each other but they’re dating other people and I had no time for it. Molly is envious when Gabe holds Sadies hand and it’s like that’s his girlfriend! It was just a hot mess and I don’t think I’ve disliked a main character as much as I dislike Molly. Anyway you would think this would be an enjoyable book with all the traveling but its miserable its so bad I didn’t want to finish this book but I pushed through. I’m glad that there’s only two books in this series and I don’t have to read them again. If you want any recommendations on books with decent love triangles or maybe books with travel I can recommend some but this series is not it.


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