FINALE By Stephanie Garber

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

FINALE By Stephanie GarberFinale by Stephanie Garber
Series: Caraval #3
Published by Flatiron Books on 5/7/19
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 416
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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A love worth fighting for. A dream worth dying for. An ending worth waiting for.

It’s been two months since the Fates were freed from a deck of cards, two months since Legend claimed the throne for his own, and two months since Tella discovered the boy she fell in love with doesn’t really exist.

With lives, empires, and hearts hanging in the balance, Tella must decide if she’s going to trust Legend or a former enemy. After uncovering a secret that upends her life, Scarlett will need to do the impossible. And Legend has a choice to make that will forever change and define him.

Caraval is over, but perhaps the greatest game of all has begun. There are no spectators this time: only those who will win, and those who will lose everything.

Welcome, welcome to Finale. All games must come to an end.

Short and Sweet

Two months ago the fates were freed from the deck and Legend took the throne. Well now one of the fates wants the throne for themselves and Tella, Legend, Scarlett, and Julian have to work together to stop the fates and save the lives of people living in the empire.


Tella: After witnessing an event between a fate and someone she loves, Tella makes it her mission to stop the fates before they cause anymore destruction. I liked Tella’s storyline she had to figure out if she could trust Legend even though he’s kept secrets from her or if she should trust Jacks someone she knows is an enemy.

Legend (Dante): Legend has claimed the throne and at first it may have been smooth sailing but all of that changes when one of the fates decide they want the throne for themselves. I worried for Legend a lot in this book he may be immortal but those fates were after him and the throne.

Scarlett: Scarlett learns that she is part fate which changes everything she knows. Now that she knows that she is part fate she has to embrace her powers to stop the other fates. I liked Scarlett she took a lot of risks and she did for those she loved and she’s still kind and always looks for the best in people.

Julian: Julian returns after being away for 5 weeks and his main goal is to win Scarlett’s heart. I loved Julian he was always trying to make sure that Scarlett was okay and he also looked out for Tella and tried to make sure that Legend didn’t hurt her.


Tella and Legend: Legend is an immortal and one of his weaknesses is falling in love, so even though Tella loves him he won’t return the feelings. I really liked them together, Legend didn’t want to become a mortal so he offered to make Tella an immortal but she didn’t want to lose the ability to love, so these two were at a standstill. I did like their interactions and you can tell that they truly cared for each other and wanted to make things work.

Tella and Jacks: In the last book Tella makes Jack’s heart beat which means that she’s his one true love. Tella doesn’t want to be in love with Jacks and tries to avoid it at all cost, but even though a fate can’t love because it’s their weakness they do end up becoming obsessed with that one person, so Jacks is obsessed with Tella.

Scarlett and Julian: I love these two I really do! Scarlett is torn at the beginning of the book because she hasn’t seen Julian in 5 weeks and she wants to give Nicolas a chance. After realizing that Julian is the one that she wants, Scarlett and Julian try to make it work they start to be more honest with each other and were worried about each others wellbeing whenever they were apart.

My Thoughts

~ Gavriel aka the Fallen Star is the first fate and he made the other fates, and now that he’s awake he thinks it’s time to take the throne for himself.

~ So in the last book Tella rescued Paloma and Paloma woke up when the fates did. I would have liked to know more about Paloma but her presence was pretty short.

~ I liked that the characters had to find different items from the fated places that would help them stop the Gavriel.

~ Even though some fates are helping Gavriel the other fates don’t want to be associated with him and are willing to help the group stop him.

~ Scarlett finds out that she’s Gavriel’s daughter and what he wants is for her to come into her power, and she realizes that doing what he wants will be the only way to stop him.

~ In this book we have Scarlett and Tella’s POV and I liked them both but I enjoyed reading from Tella’s more.

~ Seeing Tella and Legend work together and try to put their feelings for each other aside was my favorite thing, mainly because it made them both realize that they wanted to be with each other.

~ Julian and Scarlett were together for most of the time, until Scarlett is taken by Gavriel, but she does use a magical key to try to see him and he does try to rescue her.

~ Seeing the other fates try to help the group was great it was nice seeing that they don’t agree with Gavriel just because he made them. The fates also knew that if Gavriel was killed they wouldn’t be immortal anymore they would just become ageless.

~ I thought the ending was great and well done and it made me happy, everything was wrapped up and I loved it!


I love this series so much its one of my favorites! This was a great ending to the series and it was just perfect. I loved seeing all of the characters interact and work together for a common goal. This series is one that is unforgettable and I plan on revisiting it again soon. If you haven’t read Caraval do it, and then continue with the rest of the trilogy!


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