Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

TARNISHED CROWN By Erin WattTarnished Crown by Erin Watt
Series: The Royals #3.5
Published by Amazon Digital Services on 12/1/18
Genres: Contemporary, New Adult, Romance
Pages: 168
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Two years ago, one mistake cost Gideon Royal the girl of his dreams. Since then he’s become jaded and stoic, caught in a spiral that has him dealing with blackmail, heartache and loss. When he left for college, he hoped to start over. But fate has other ideas, placing Savannah Montgomery in his path again.

Savannah believes there’s no coming back from Gideon’s betrayal.

He thinks she’s wrong.

Forgiveness. Hope. Redemption. Gideon has vowed to win back the only girl who owns his heart. And when a Royal makes a promise, he’ll go to the ends of the earth to keep it.

Short and Sweet Review

Tarnished Crown is a novella and it follows the story of Gideon the oldest Royal sibling and Savannah. I thought it was a good story. Gideon isn’t around much in the Royals series because he’s off at college. In the novella we learn about what happened between Gideon and Savannah, why they broke up and what led to everything that happened between them. We get both Gideon and Savannah’s POV and the book alternates between present day and the past. Savannah is visiting college and thats where she bumps into Gideon, and he decides its time to face their problems and try to win the love of his life back. I really enjoyed this story, it was kind of heartbreaking learning about what happened while they were dating when they were in high school, but Gideon trying to make up for it and putting in an effort during the present day was sweet. It was interesting reading from Gideon’s POV mainly because he’s not around often, but I learned a lot about him, he definitely regrets a lot of things and you can tell, he also had a lot of weight on his shoulders being the oldest sibling. Savannah on the other hand is mainly bitter she was hurt a lot and she didn’t deserve it. I liked them both and the ending made me happy. I wish we had more of these two, but for now this novella was satisfying. If you read The Royals series be sure to read this novella!


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