Dani Young 

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NOW ENTERING ADDAMSVILLE By Francesca ZappiaNow Entering Addamsville by Francesca Zappia
Published by Greenwillow Books on 10/1/19
Genres: Contemporary, Fantasy & Magic, Mystery & Detective, Paranormal, Young Adult
Pages: 368
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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When someone burns down the home of the school janitor and he dies in the blaze, everyone in Addamsville, Indiana, points a finger at Zora. Never mind that Zora has been on the straight and narrow since her father was thrown in jail. With everyone looking for evidence against her, her only choice is to uncover the identity of the real killer.

There’s one big problem—Zora has no leads. No one does. Addamsville has a history of tragedy, and thirty years ago a similar string of fires left several townspeople dead. The arsonist was never caught.

Now, Zora must team up with her cousin Artemis—an annoying self-proclaimed Addamsville historian—to clear her name. But with a popular ghost-hunting television show riling up the townspeople, almost no support from her family and friends, and rumors spinning out of control, things aren’t looking good. Zora will have to read between the lines of Addamsville’s ghost stories before she becomes one herself.

Short and Sweet

After the house of the school janitor burns down everyone in Addamsville points a finger at Zora, but Zora had nothing to do with it. Now Zora has to team up with her cousin Artemis to prove that she’s innocent which won’t be easy especially when her family has a reputation.


Zora: Zora Novak is an outcast in Addamsville and the other townspeople look at her as if she’s trouble. Zora’s mom disappeared when she was thirteen and soon after that her dad was sent to prison and Zora was taken care of by her sister Sadie. Zora has a hard exterior and I felt bad for her because she’s not a bad person she has good intentions and tries to keep the town safe but others don’t see it like that.

Artemis: Artemis and Zora are complete opposites. Artemis is sweet and in her own way tries to help even though she’s not able to see ghost like her cousin she can feel them and she also knows a lot about the town’s history which turns out useful. Artemis is more well off then Zora so she does end up saying things that offend Zora but she doesn’t mean it, its just because they’re from such different worlds.


~ “She’d spent thirteen years teaching me everything she knew, but she’d never taught me how not to be scared.”

~ “I didn’t hate Addamsville at all. But Addamsville sure hated me.”

My Thoughts

~ In the town of Addamsville there’s a lot of ghost stories and now there’s a popular ghost hunting tv show coming to town, but what they don’t know is that the stories are very real.

~ Zora herself is a ghost hunter and its her job to get rid of them and there’s a certain kind called a fire starter and they start fires that burn fast and cause a lot of damage. Zora’s mom taught her everything she knows about ghost and cousin also knows about ghost and is supposed to be Zora’s partner.

~ A dangerous fire starter from Zora’s past is back and this time he’s determined to take her down and to do that he starts fires and tries to leave evidence proving it was Zora. Zora already has a a shaky reputation because people think she’s an arsonist which gives her more motivation to prove that the current fires being set aren’t her doing.

~ Zora’s mom disappeared when she was thirteen and her dad also got sent to prison for scamming some of the townspeople. So while her parents aren’t around it’s just Zora and her sister Sadie and they have a rough time because everyone in Addamsville has it out for them.

~ I liked that Zora and Artemis teamed up, they didn’t have the best relationship at first but I like how they learned more about each other and ow they did have each other’s back.

~ Zora didn’t have a lot of support from her friends or family and I felt bad because she’s not a bad person she just got dealt a bad hand.


I really liked this book! It really gets you in the mood for Halloween especially with all the ghost and the ghost hunter tv show. Zora was a great main character and you end up feeling for her, she doesn’t deserve all the hate she gets from people in town. The ending was so good and left me wanting more! I’m not sure if there’s going to be a sequel but I hope there is! Definitely check this book out, its an enticing story with ghost, ghost hunters, and a mystery about a small town in Indiana!


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