FIVE DARK FATES By Kendare Blake

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

FIVE DARK FATES By Kendare BlakeFive Dark Fates by Kendare Blake
Series: Three Dark Crowns #4
Published by HarperTeen on 9/3/19
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 447
Format: Hardcover
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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After the grim confrontation with Queen Katharine, the rebellion lies in tatters. Jules’s legion curse has been unbound, and it is up to Arsinoe to find a cure, even as the responsibility of stopping the ravaging mist lies heavy on her shoulders, and her shoulders alone. Mirabella has disappeared.

Katharine’s reign remains intact—for now. When Mirabella arrives, seemingly under a banner of truce, Katharine begins to yearn for the closeness that Mirabella and Arsinoe share. But as the two circle each other, the dead queens hiss caution—Mirabella is not to be trusted.

In this conclusion to the Three Dark Crowns series, three sisters will rise to fight as the secrets of Fennbirn’s history are laid bare. Allegiances will shift. Bonds will be tested. But the fate of the island lies in the hands of its queens. It always has.

Short and Sweet

After the last confrontation with Katharine, Jules’s legion curse has come unbound now Arsinoe has to find a cure.

Mirabella leaves the rebels and joins Katharine, and Katharine wants a bond with Mirabella but the dead queens don’t trust Mirabella and don’t want her around.

The mist is rising, allegiances will change, and bonds are tested, and one queen will rise and rule the island of Fennbirn.


Mirabella: Mirabella joins Katharine mainly to find out what’s wrong with her. I love Mirabella she loves her sisters and will always try to find the good in them and I liked the developing relationship with her and Katharine. Mirabella still feels bad for leaving Arsinoe but she would never betray her.

Arsinoe: Arsinoe is still as tough as ever and she’ll do whatever she has to do to make things right. Arsinoe our queen of low magic proves how beneficial she is and how much she’s improved with using low magic.

Katharine: Katharine poor Katharine. We can see glimpses of the old Katharine the girl who’s smart and not a murderer but she’s possessed by the dead queens and more times than not they win no matter how hard Katharine tries to fight them.

Jules: Jules is the Legion Queen and she’s pretty fierce when the curse is unbound, but when its bound she’s the same old Jules. I love that Jules still looks out for Arsinoe and will try to do the right thing.


* We have three couples or relationships, but there’s not a lot of romance mainly because they all have a war to focus on.

Arsinoe and Billy: I love these two! They care about each other so much and will always try to make sure the other one is okay and safe. 

Katharine and Pietyr: So Pietyr is unconscious for most of the book, because of what happened with the dead queens. Katharine still loves Pietyr and visits him as often as she can.

Jules and Emilia: There’s chemistry between these two. Emilia cares for Jules a lot but Jules is still apprehensive and still has moments when she thinks about Joseph.

My Thoughts

~ I think what I loved the most was seeing how Mirabella brought out a side to Katharine that showed she was still humane. I liked that these two got to spend some time together I only wish all three sisters had the chance.

~ In this book we’re preparing for a war. Katharine is preparing to face Jules and the rebellion. Katharine gets some help from the dead queens though and learns that she can give the dead queens to another vessel that is willing.

~ The mist is still attacking the Island and Mirabella seems like the only person who can keep it away.

~ Arsinoe gets better with using low magic, she’s able to get Jules’s legion curse under control and she wakes up Pietyr.

~ I read this book so fast I was excited to see what would happen. I wanted to know what would happen with Mirabella now that she was with Katharine. I wanted to see how Jules and Arsinoe would go about things.

~ We learn a little bit more about the history of Fennbirn and the past queens. I wish we could see more of the past queens and what powers they possessed.


I love this series and I wasn’t sure how everything wrapped up but in the end I can say that I’m satisfied. I loved following the queens throughout four books and I enjoyed the epic battle and the glimpse of a relationship these sisters could of had if they weren’t born on Fennbirn. If you haven’t read this series yet pick it up, you won’t regret it!

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