COIN HEIST By Elisa Ludwig

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

COIN HEIST By Elisa LudwigCoin Heist by Elisa Ludwig
Published by Adaptive Books on 6/6/14
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: Paperback
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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The last place you'd expect to find a team of criminals is at a prestigious Philadelphia prep school. But on a class trip to the U.S. Mint - which prints a million new coins every 30 minutes - an overlooked security flaw becomes far too tempting for a small group of students to ignore.
United by dire circumstances, these unlikely allies - the nerd, the slacker, the athlete, and the perfect student - band together to attempt the impossible: rob the U.S. Mint. This diverse crew is forced to confront their true beliefs about each other and themselves as they do the wrong thing for the right reasons.

Short and Sweet Review

Alice, Jason, Dakota, and Benny all go to the same prestigious prep school in Philadelphia, but none of them are really friends. After a trip to the mint Jason thinks it’s a good hypothetical idea to rob the mint, and he goes over this idea with Alice since she brought up how easy it would be to hack the mint. Over a few days Benny and Dakota are added to the group and now we have a group of students who are about to pull off a heist.

This isn’t the best group mainly because they’re not friends and some of them don’t like each other, there’s a lot of tension and snarky remarks. Each person has a reason to go through with the heist but Jason has the biggest reason of all. Jason’s dad was the headmaster but was recently arrested for embezzling money from the school, now the school is going under. So Jason is trying to fix his dads mistakes. 

We get the POVs of all four characters and there wasn’t one I liked more than the other they were all pretty mundane. I liked seeing them plan out how they were going to pull of their heist. The ending was okay it wasn’t anything great. Overall this book was okay, it had a heist, and some characters who live vastly different lives who have to get along to pull off a job.

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