THE HOW & THE WHY By Cynthia Hand

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE HOW & THE WHY By Cynthia HandThe How & the Why by Cynthia Hand
Published by HarperTeen on 11/5/19
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Pages: 464
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Cassandra McMurtrey has the best parents a girl could ask for; they’ve given Cass a life she wouldn’t trade for the world. She has everything she needs—but she has questions, too. Like, to know who she is. Where she came from. Questions her adoptive parents can’t answer, no matter how much they love her.

But eighteen years ago, someone wrote Cass a series of letters. And they may just hold the answers Cass has been searching for.

Short and Sweet

Cassandra loves her parents, but lately she’s been thinking more about where she came from and what her birth mother was like, and some of these questions can’t be answered by her adoptive parents. Cassandra learns that 18 years ago her birth mother wrote her letters and those letters may be the key for Cassandra to find the answers she’s been looking for.


Cass: Cass is 18, a senior, and preparing for life after high school. Cass is like a regular teenager she goes to school she loves the theater and she has great friends, but she feels like something is missing. Cass deals with things most teens deal with like preparing to go to college and thinking about her options, but her mother is also sick and needs a new heart which also takes a toll on Cass and it affects how she feels about doing certain things. I liked Cass she was relatable and she truly cared about the feelings of those around her.

S: S is the teenager who made the decision to give her baby up for adoption 18 years ago. S never gives out her actual name as she writes the letters because she feels that it’ll be better that way. S lives at Booth which is a school and home for young expecting mothers. Her point of view comes is written in letters and I enjoyed reading her letters at first she wasn’t into writing them but the further we get into the book the more she feels like she needs to write the letters so that her baby will have a better understanding of her. S is bold, funny, sarcastic, and caring. I felt that I got a better understanding of S she was 16 and felt that she was making the best decision for her baby.

Nyla: Nyla is Cass’s best friend and she’s very supportive and exactly what everyone wants in a best friend. Nyla usually gives Cass pep talks and she also help Cass with her search for her birth mother. I liked Nyla she was very realistic and made sure that Cass would think things through all they way before jumping into a situation.

Bastian: Bastian is new in school and he joins the theater where he meets Cass and Nyla. Bastian is looked at as a potential romance interest for Cass, but these two were better off as friends and I’m glad that they did remain friends.

My Thoughts

~ We get two POVs Cass and S. Cass takes place during the present while S’s takes place 18 years ago and hers is written in letters. I enjoyed both POV’s I liked reading about how life was for S and I liked reading about Cass and her modern day problems.

~ Cass has very loving and understanding parents although her dad isn’t initially on board with Cass looking for her birth mother he ends up coming around because he understands that this is what she needs.

~ Cass’s family in general is amazing they are supportive and they end up coming through for her in a big way towards the end of the book.

~ I loved the search for Cass’s birth mother and how everyone tries to help her with certain aspects like going to get the letters, and looking for clues in the letters that might lead to S.

~ I think everything went together so seamlessly. We learned about S and Cass and the things that both of them are dealing with.

~ The ending was good and I would love a novella to see what happened after the epilogue.


The How & the Why was beautifully written and it took me on an emotional ride. I loved the characters and every aspect of this book. There’s family, friendship, it also delivers the highs and lows that people experience while going through life. I truly loved how everything occurred and it kept me immersed until the very end. This is a must read and one of my favorites of 2019!


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1 Comment

  1. Thomas

    is a really unique, fun, angel book. The characters are fantastic and the whole idea of a purpose is just amazing. I love the wonderful world that Cynthia Hand has created, so great props to you, Cynthia Hand! This book definitely answered some questions though opened up many new ones, so I m excited to hopefully get my hands on a copy of I really enjoyed this whole series. Tucker vs. Christian it just gets harder and harder to choose. I think this was one of the few love triangles where one wasn t necessarily just there to keep the two true love ones apart. I can t wait for you to read the next ones so I can read your reviews! ~Pam

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