Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

CROWN OF OBLIVION By Julie EshbaughCrown of Oblivion by Julie Eshbaugh
Published by HarperTeen on 11/12/19
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Young Adult
Pages: 480
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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In Lanoria, Outsiders, who don’t have magic, are inferior to Enchanteds, who do. That’s just a fact for Astrid, an Outsider who is indentured to pay off her family’s debts. She serves as the surrogate for the princess—if Renya steps out of line, Astrid is the one who bears the punishment for it.

But there is a way out: the life-or-death Race of Oblivion. First, racers are dosed with the drug Oblivion, which wipes their memories. Then, when they awake in the middle of nowhere, only cryptic clues—and a sheer will to live—will lead them through treacherous terrain full of opponents who wouldn’t think twice about killing each other to get ahead.

But what throws Astrid the most is what she never expected to encounter in this race. A familiar face she can’t place. Secret powers she shouldn’t have. And a confusing memory of the past that, if real, could mean the undoing of the entire social structure that has kept her a slave her entire life.

Competing could mean death…but it could also mean freedom.

Short and Sweet

Astrid is the surrogate for Princess Reyna and every time Princess Reyna does something she shouldn’t, Astrid faces the punishment. Astrid doesn’t have a choice but to endure this punishment because she’s an outsider which is a lower class citizen and they don’t possess magic or citizenship. The only way Astrid can get a better life for her and her family is to enter the Race of Oblivion. When racers enter they are given the drug oblivion which wipes their memories clean. The race is deadly and as Astrid progresses and slowly regains her memories she learns that some of her fellow racers can’t be trusted.


Astrid: Astrid is different from most outsiders because she does possess magic which is beneficial to her in the race. I liked Astrid and how determined she was to finish the race even though she didn’t remember her reason for entering it in the first place.

Darius: Darius is another racer and he actually knew Astrid from before the race, but doesn’t know that until he gets a memory during the race. Darius was smart and aligned himself with Astrid so that he could get further in the race.

Reyna: Princess Reyna is Astrids friend despite the fact that Astrid faces punishment for Reyna’s actions. Even though Astrid is her surrogate Reyna treats her like a sister. Reyna did care about Astrid and her wellbeing.

Jayden: Jayden is Astrid’s older brother. Astrid used to live in the palace but escaped and ever since then he’s been the leader of the rebellion. I didn’t like Jayden he was selfish and seemed to only care about his cause.

Lars: Prince Lars is Reyna’s brother and he’s cruel. For some reason he has it out for Astrid and wants her dead.


Astrid and Darius: Astrid and Darius are both racers and they can’t really trust each other because only one of them will win the race. It was an interesting dynamic between the two. I didn’t know if their relationship would actually progress or if they were just using each other to further themselves in the race. In the end I think they truly understood each other and I liked them together.

My Thoughts

~ The race was interesting most of the other racers were cutthroat which was understandable because a lot is on the line. Just by winning the race a person can change their status in the society.

~ Every racer is given the drug oblivion which wipes their memories and throughout the race their memories will eventually come back but its painful.

~ I did like how everyone started on the same playing field and would have to solve clues to get to their next destination.

~ Astrid reunites with Jayden at a point in the book and it’s not a happy reunion at all. They’re so different and they want different things and Jayden doesn’t understand why Astrid joined the race.

~ Jayden made Astrid complete a task before he helped her and at that point I was not happy with the book because it felt like the whole situation with Jayden and the rebellion took away from the race. It just felt like that plot was thrown in and it wasn’t necessary.

~ I thought the ending was weird and it felt like there could be a sequel but it turns out that this book is a standalone.


Crown of Oblivion was an okay book, it could have been better. There was one point in the book where it felt like there wasn’t a focus on the race anymore and it was more focused on the rebellion and that’s when I started to lose interest. I liked the premise of the book but I don’t think it was executed as well as it could have been.

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