Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

#MURDERFUNDING By Gretchen McNeil#MurderFunding by Gretchen McNeil
Series: MurderTrending #2
Published by Freeform on 8/6/19
Genres: Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 336
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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WELCOME TO WHO WANTS TO BE A PAINIAC?, the latest reality TV show on the hunt for the next big-hit serial killer. But don't worry-no one is actually going to murder anyone, as real as the fake gore and pretend murder may appear . . . uh, right?

Seventeen-year-old Becca Martinello is about to find out. When her perfectly normal soccer mom dies in a car crash, a strange girl named Stef appears and lets Becca know that her deceased mom was none other than one of Alcatraz 2.0's most popular serial killers-Molly Mauler. Soon, Becca ends up on Who Wants to Be a Painiac? to learn the truth about her mom's connection to Molly, but things turn sinister when people are murdered IRL. Will Becca uncover dark secrets and make it out of the deadly reality show alive? Or will she get cut?

Short and Sweet Review

Becca’s mom just died in a car crash, but when a stranger comes up to Becca and tells her that her mom was actually Molly Mauler and died on Alcatraz 2.0 and not in a car crash Becca can’t believe it. When Who Wants to Be A Paniac? a new reality show looking for the next serial killer holds auditions Becca realizes that this is her chance to learn if her mother really was Molly Mauler. Becca and Stef head to LA and audition while also looking for anything that will prove or disprove Stef’s theory about Becca’s mom. I thought this sequel was great we get new characters and we also get to see the characters from the last book. Everything comes around full circle the new characters end up trying to escape psycho killers and the old characters are trying to find out who was behind Alcatraz 2.0 and Who Wants to be A Paniac?. Becca and Stef had a lot of tension but the more trials they face and the more time they spend together the more their feelings for each other come out. I was on edge while reading this I felt bad for the characters Who Wants to be a Paniac? was supposed to be a nonviolent show but what they got was the complete opposite. I’m glad that Becca found out what she needed to and that the other characters from the past book fought for justice. I love this series and I’m excited to see what the next one brings!


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