THE HAND ON THE WALL By Maureen Johnson

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE HAND ON THE WALL By Maureen JohnsonThe Hand on the Wall by Maureen Johnson
Series: Truly Devious #3
Published by Katherine Tegen Books on 1/21/20
Genres: Contemporary, Mystery & Detective, Young Adult
Pages: 375
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Ellingham Academy must be cursed. Three people are now dead. One, a victim of either a prank gone wrong or a murder. Another, dead by misadventure. And now, an accident in Burlington has claimed another life. All three in the wrong place at the wrong time. All at the exact moment of Stevie’s greatest triumph . . .

She knows who Truly Devious is. She’s solved it. The greatest case of the century.

At least, she thinks she has. With this latest tragedy, it’s hard to concentrate on the past. Not only has someone died in town, but David disappeared of his own free will and is up to something. Stevie is sure that somehow—somehow—all these things connect. The three deaths in the present. The deaths in the past. The missing Alice Ellingham and the missing David Eastman. Somewhere in this place of riddles and puzzles there must be answers.

Then another accident occurs as a massive storm heads toward Vermont. This is too much for the parents and administrators. Ellingham Academy is evacuated. Obviously, it’s time for Stevie to do something stupid. It’s time to stay on the mountain and face the storm—and a murderer.

Short and Sweet Review

Stevie Bell has solved the crime of the century, but accidents are still plaguing Ellingham Academy and after the latest accident Ellingham is evacuated. The Hand on the Wall takes place right where the last book ended and now Stevie is just trying to figure out how the three deaths that recently occurred are connected. Stevie is so smart just watching her piece things together was amazing because just reading the book I had no idea how everything could have happened. The book still alternates between the past and the present and in this book I appreciated looking into the past more than I did in the previous books, it showed what happened in the original case and how that case became what it was. I’m glad that Stevie had friends like Janelle and Nate around I also enjoyed Hunter’s presence. When all of the other students are evacuated, Stevie and her friends decide to stay at Ellingham by hiding and they obviously get to stay because of the massive storm. During that time our dear friend David comes back… I still don’t like him I still don’t know what Stevie sees in him but that’s none of my business. In the end everything is laid out and its amazing how everything came together. This was a great trilogy and the mystery was great not once over the course of these three books did it become obvious as to who the culprit was or what was causing the accidents. I love these books and this was a great ending and I would read these books all over again. If you love mysteries and crime solving pick this trilogy up, you won’t be disappointed!

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