HAVENFALL By Sara Holland

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HAVENFALL By Sara HollandHavenfall by Sara Holland
Series: Havenfall #1
Published by Bloomsbury YA on 3/3/20
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, LGBT, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Hidden deep in the mountains of Colorado lies the Inn at Havenfall, a sanctuary that connects ancient worlds--each with their own magic--together. For generations, the inn has protected all who seek refuge within its walls, and any who disrupt the peace can never return.

For Maddie Morrow, summers at the inn are more than a chance to experience this magic first-hand. Havenfall is an escape from reality, where her mother sits on death row accused of murdering Maddie's brother. It's where Maddie fell in love with handsome Fiorden soldier Brekken. And it's where one day she hopes to inherit the role of Innkeeper from her beloved uncle.

But this summer, the impossible happens--a dead body is found, shattering everything the inn stands for. With Brekken missing, her uncle gravely injured, and a dangerous creature on the loose, Maddie suddenly finds herself responsible for the safety of everyone in Havenfall. She'll do anything to uncover the truth, even if it means working together with an alluring new staffer Taya, who seems to know more than she's letting on. As dark secrets are revealed about the inn itself, one thing becomes clear to Maddie--no one can be trusted, and no one is safe . . .

Short and Sweet Review

Havenfall is where Maddie spends her summers, it’s more than just an inn its a place where ancient worlds are connected with their own magic. Havenfall is an escape from reality, Maddie loves seeing her uncle Marcus and the Fiorden soldier Brekken. This summer Havenfall isn’t a sanctuary for Maddie its more of a mess. First a dead body is found on the grounds and then her uncle is injured and Brekken goes missing. Maddie ends up taking the role of innkeeper while her uncle heals. While being the innkeeper Maddie learns that there are dark secrets she didn’t know about the inn and now a new staffer, Taya seems to know more than she’s letting on.

This book was not what I was expecting. I thought that we’d learn more about the worlds and maybe Maddie would travel to them but she just stayed at the inn and the surrounding areas. I thought there’d be more detail about the other worlds but there wasn’t. Maddie was an okay character some of the decisions she made bothered me, she was stubborn and sometimes very clueless. There was also some romance between Maddie and Brekken and Maddie and Taya. I was not impressed. Maddie literally just met Taya, and Brekken was barely around so I don’t know why he was such a big deal when he was in 3 or 4 chapters at most. The romance aspect could have been omitted entirely.

I did like the mystery aspect and I wanted to find out who could’ve been doing all the shady stuff at the inn. I also liked how Maddie found out other things that had been going on at the inn.

This wasn’t the best book but it wasn’t the worst either. I would read a sequel just to see how things are going to develop.

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