THE LADY ROGUE By Jenn Bennett

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THE LADY ROGUE By Jenn BennettThe Lady Rogue by Jenn Bennett
Published by Simon Pulse on 9/3/19
Genres: Fantasy & Magic, Historical, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 384
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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Some legends never die…

Traveling with her treasure-hunting father has always been a dream for Theodora. She’s read every book in his library, has an impressive knowledge of the world’s most sought-after relics, and has all the ambition in the world. What she doesn’t have is her father’s permission. That honor goes to her father’s nineteen-year-old protégé—and once-upon-a-time love of Theodora’s life—Huck Gallagher, while Theodora is left to sit alone in her hotel in Istanbul.

Until Huck returns from an expedition without her father and enlists Theodora’s help in rescuing him. Armed with her father’s travel journal, the reluctant duo learns that her father had been digging up information on a legendary and magical ring that once belonged to Vlad the Impaler—more widely known as Dracula—and that it just might be the key to finding him.

Journeying into Romania, Theodora and Huck embark on a captivating adventure through Gothic villages and dark castles in the misty Carpathian Mountains to recover the notorious ring. But they aren’t the only ones who are searching for it. A secretive and dangerous occult society with a powerful link to Vlad the Impaler himself is hunting for it, too. And they will go to any lengths—including murder—to possess it.

Short and Sweet Review

Theodora has a treasure hunting father and she’s always wanted to go traveling with him but he doesn’t let Theo join him only his apprentice Huck. The only thing left for Theo to do is stay in the hotel in Istanbul. But when Huck comes to the hotel without her father Theo knows something is wrong. Following the clues her father left in his journal, Theo and Huck go on an adventure to rescue her father. After going through the journal Theo and Huck learn that her father was looking for a ring that once belonged to Vlad the impaler, and this ring may be the key to finding her dad. Huck and Theo travel through Romania following clues and also avoiding enemies who are also after the ring.

I was really excited to read this book and to be taken on an adventure to find relics. Theo and Huck used to have a romantic relationship until her father put a stop to it, now things are tense and awkward between the two. I did find myself becoming disinterested and bored at some points I did want to stop reading the book. I think it was because some things just dragged on and I didn’t really like the interactions between Huck and Theo some of it seemed forced.. I did like how Theo and Huck met different characters and how they always had to make sure no one was on their tail. Overall the book was okay I wasn’t as into it as I thought I would be.

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