SAVE STEVE By Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

SAVE STEVE By Jenni Hendriks, Ted CaplanSave Steve by Jenni Hendriks, Ted Caplan
Published by HarperTeen on 9/1/20
Genres: Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Steve Stevenson is a jerk. That might not be a cool thing to say about someone with cancer, but it’s true. Yeah, he throws legendary parties and is the most popular guy in school, but he also loves humiliating pranks and Cardi B, and he doesn’t recycle. Worst of all, he’s dating Kaia—the girl of nice guy Cam’s dreams.

But when a desperate Kaia asks Cam to help her raise money to pay for Steve’s experimental treatment, Cam offers to organize the biggest, most viral fundraising campaign. Maybe then Kaia will finally see Cam as the perfect, thoughtful, altruistic, good guy for her.

But Steve’s no fool. He’s totally on to Cam’s plan. And to stop him from stealing his girlfriend, he’s going to do whatever it takes to make Cam’s life as miserable as his own.

Short and Sweet Review

Cam has always wanted to ask Kaia out but there never seems to be a good time to do it. Now Kaia is dating Steve and Cam still wants her. Steve ends up being diagnosed with cancer and Cam comes up with the idea to do a fundraiser to raise money for Steve’s hospital bills to impress Kaia, unfortunately Steve knows what Cam is up to and plans to make his life miserable.

Cam is our main character and he’s intense and uptight. Cam is an activist and is always trying to fight for what’s right. Kaia is the same as Cam she’s busy with all these extra curricular activities and she’s also an activist. It’s like they were made for each other. Steve on the other hand is a typical jock and is all about having fun and sometimes its at the expense of other people.

Cam comes up with this great, seemingly selfless idea to help Steve by raising money for him. But Steve ends up picking how Cam is going to raise the money. I honestly thought Cam was crazy, he got a tattoo of Steves name! It was a battle of the nice guy vs the bad guy the whole time.

There wasn’t a lot of romance because Kaia already had a boyfriend, but Cam was slightly obsessed with her. I know Cam and Kaia had a lot of things in common but I don’t think they’d be a good couple I think they would be better off as friends. Mentioning friends sometimes there would be moments between Cam and Steve where you could see a slight glimmer of hope that these two could put everything behind them and become friends. Steve was a hard character to like, he did everything he possibly could to embarrass Cam and make life harder for him.

I did have a hard time reading this book mainly because I just didn’t like Steve. I couldn’t stand the things he would do. I started to enjoy the book when I was 70% through. There’s some humor and I did like how Cam would talk to a Michelle Obama poster. I wish I did like the characters more, I feel like the book would have been more enjoyable that way.

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