YOU WERE NEVER HERE By Kathleen Peacock

Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

YOU WERE NEVER HERE By Kathleen PeacockYou Were Never Here by Kathleen Peacock
Published by HarperTeen on 10/20/20
Genres: Contemporary, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 400
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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Cat hasn’t been to Montgomery Falls, the town her family founded, since she was twelve years old. Since the summer she discovered she could do things that no normal twelve-year-old could do. Since she had her first kiss with Riley Fraser. Since she destroyed their friendship.

Now, five years later, she’s back and Riley has disappeared.

When Noah, Riley's brother, asks for help in discovering what happened, Cat is torn between wanting to learn the truth and protecting the secret that she’s been guarding ever since that summer she and Riley stopped speaking. Only one choice will put her in a killer’s sights…

Short and Sweet

Cat hasn’t been Montgomery Falls in five years, the summer she realized that she can do things that aren’t normal. Now she’s back five years later and the boy next door that she was friends with, Riley, has gone missing. Riley’s brother Noah asks for Cat’s help finding Riley, but this only puts Cat in more danger.


Cat: Cat is in Montgomery Falls after in incident in New York had her father thinking it was better that she goes away. Cat has the ability to see what people desire, fear, and want but she can only do it through touching people, although it sounds great it ends up giving Cat a lot of pain. Because of this Cat usually keeps her distance from people.

Noah: Noah is Riley’s older brother. He’s worried about his brother and wants to know where he is but he doesn’t really let people know this. Noah asks for Cat’s help and while they’re snooping he tries to keep Cat as safe as he can.

Aidan: Aidan is a high school student who rents a room from Cat’s aunt Jet. Aidan is nice and he and his friends are into horror movies and ask Cat to hang out with them.


Cat and Noah: Cat and Noah know each other mainly because Cat and Riley were friends. When Noah asks for Cats help they end up spending a lot of time together. Noah and Cat try to solve the mystery of Riley’s disappearance, Noah tries to keep Cat safe and she feels a sense of safety when she’s with him.

Cat and Aidan: Aidan is closer to Cats age, when they meet there’s an instant attraction. Cat and Aidan hangout a lot and they do have chemistry that builds up but Cat still keeps him at a distance.


~ “The more personal questions you ask people, the more questions they feel like they can ask you in return.”

My Thoughts

~ Cat is back in Montgomery and she discovers that her childhood friend Riley has gone missing. Cat ends up helping Noah try to find out what actually happened.

~Cat also spends a lot of time with Aidan and his movie buff friends: Skylar, Chase, and Joey.

~ I did like the friendship between Cat and Skylar, Cat doesn’t really have a lot of friends so seeing her become friends with Skylar in a short period of time was nice.

~ During her time in Montgomery Cat discovers a girl floating in the river and doesn’t remember anything about the attack, this is when Cat decides she’s going to help Noah.

~ Although Noah is trying to be helpful sometimes he says things or pushes Cat too far. Cat tries to use her ability to find suspects and even try to figure out what happened to the girl she found.

~ Cat has had trouble with her ability and usually she tries to stay away from people because she doesn’t want to see what’s in there heads but I think she uses her ability a lot more during her stay in Montgomery than she ever has before.


You Were Never Here had a great ending. I loved the plot and I just wanted to know what was going on in town. I liked seeing Cat use her ability and how it was useful in her search for the truth. I didn’t know who the culprit would be and I was guessing until the very end. This was a thriller that kept me hanging on til the very end and I definitely recommend it!

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