Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Reviewer Purchase in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

THERE’S SOMEONE INSIDE YOUR HOUSE By Stephanie PerkinsThere's Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins
Published by Dutton Books for Young Readers on 9/26/17
Genres: Contemporary, Horror & Ghost Stories, Mystery & Detective, Thrillers, Young Adult
Pages: 304
Format: Ebook
Source: Reviewer Purchase
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It's been almost a year since Makani Young came to live with her grandmother in landlocked Nebraska, and she's still adjusting to her new life. And still haunted by her past in Hawaii.

Then, one by one, the students of her small town high school begin to die in a series of gruesome murders, each with increasing and grotesque flair. As the terror grows closer and the hunt intensifies for the killer, Makani will be forced to confront her own dark secrets.

Short and Sweet Review

I will make this review really short and not so much sweet. Makani lives in Nebraska with her grandma. Someone is killing the students in town in pretty gruesome ways. Thats pretty much it Makani lives in a small town with a serial killer on the loose. I just could not deal with this book there were times when I would just read something sigh and put my kindle down. Makani has a romance with Ollie and geez you would think that for a story about a killer in town there would be less making out and sex and more trying to stay safe and find out who the killer is. There’s also a plot line about Makani dealing with something that happened in her past and once I got to that part I sighed and put my kindle down, honestly that whole thing about what happened in Hawaii was a waste of time and irrelevant to anything happening. Also no one will guess who the killer is because it’s not anyone relevant, their motive is stupid, and it just leaves you wondering why you read 291 pages of nonsense. 3 days later and I’m still trying to clear my mind of the ridiculous mess that this book is. Honestly girl, small town, killer, lots of making out, and nonsense, that’s it!

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