Dani Young 

I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

HOW TO PACK FOR THE END OF THE WORLD By Michelle FalkoffHow to Pack for the End of the World by Michelle Falkoff
Published by HarperTeen on 11/10/20
Genres: Contemporary, Young Adult
Pages: 320
Format: eARC
Source: Publisher
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If you knew the world was going to end tomorrow, what would you do?

This is the question that haunts Amina as she watches new and horrible stories of discord and crisis flash across the news every day.

But when she starts at prestigious Gardner Academy, Amina finds a group of like-minded peers to join forces with—fast friends who dedicate their year to learning survival skills from each other, before it’s too late.

Still, as their prepper knowledge multiplies, so do their regular high school problems, from relationship drama to family issues to friend blow-ups. Juggling the two parts of their lives forces Amina to ask another vital question: Is it worth living in the hypothetical future if it’s at the expense of your actual present?

Short and Sweet Review

Amina often thinks about the end of the world and what she would do if it was happening. As a new student at Gardner Academy, Amina meets some like minded students and they make a club focused on survival strategies. Someone is pulling pranks and causing trouble and targeting members of the group.

Amina is our main character and she has anxiety which is caused by thinking about disasters that could happen. During her first night at Gardner she goes to game night which is where she meets the members of the soon to be club Eucalyptus Society. Chloe is a fashionista is afraid of nuclear disasters, Hunter is an environmental activist, Jo is a tough girl and she’s very secretive. Wyatt is the one who started the club and he was raised in commune where they prepared for doomsday.

The group decides that they can each learn something from each other so when they meet each group member comes up with a game or activity that shows how to survive a certain situation. We learn a lot about each of the characters and not only their fears but more about them.

This book was not only about survival but friendship. I enjoyed seeing the characters come up with their activities and seeing them bond over something like surviving different situations. I wish there was more to the plot and ending though.

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